Happy New Year! A year or two ago, many people were laughing about the concept of the 2012 energy shift. Now, many people come to me asking what the heck is going on. The world is in complete chaos in all aspects. The United States and Europe are economically crashing. There are so many deep […]
Posts Tagged tao of love
What Will Happen in 2012
Dec 30
More and more UFOs are being seen all around the world in the recent years and it is becoming an accepted fact by an increasing part of the population. UFOs are being seen all around the world. The British government released its classified archives about UFOs. US army officials talked about it to the medias. […]
Distance Healing Experiments
Apr 13
Lately I have been experimenting with distance healing. It has been a very interesting experiment. I’ve seen a lot of things I didn’t except. After 5 minutes of distance healing, one person saw HUGE changes on serious painful issues he had his entire life. I’ve been working an entire hour on another person whose energy […]
Some people don’t see the link between shamanism and relationships. Here’s why energy work matters. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AyFx1LgZoQ[/youtube] Shamanic Attraction sounds nice but how does shamanism relate to relationships? A relationship is about the way a person feels about you. It?s an emotional concept. E-motions are energies in motion. So it all comes down to energies. You […]
Here’s the third best way to improve your sexual attractiveness: don’t think about what to say to a girl. You may want to do and say the right thing, but the truth is, the less you think or care about what to say, the more spontaneous and genuine you are and the better it is. […]
Here’s the second best way to improve your sexual attractiveness: give to people instead of trying to take from them. Most of these videos were designed for men but most of it also applies for women. Instead of trying to get a girl or trying to get new friends, try to give good vibes, connect […]
74% of you guys believe something is missing in how men and women relate in the Western world and the divorce rate in America is 15 times higher than in Mexico. I would like to create communities of people who want to live their lives according to authentic principles, for both men and women.The idea […]
Are you happier abroad?
Jun 5
Here?s a very interesting website that expose precise facts about dating and social life in North America compared to the rest of the world. Warning: this website is VERY politically incorrect and may offend some. http://www.happierabroad.com Here?s a comparison of life in America and life in most other countries. http://www.happierabroad.com/comparison.htm Here are just a few […]
There’s a very good Tai Chi master I met who told me he practiced everyday. He didn’t miss a single day of practice in the last 11 years. Tiger Woods, the world best golf player, has an intense training routine he does every single day. Those who are serious train with consistency, not only now […]