Posts Tagged emotional intimacy

Magnetismo Sexual – Now Available in Spanish!

My dating products have gone viral since releasing them for free. Traffic on my website went from 200 visits per day to 400 visits per day for a few days, and a bunch of new people are getting the products every day. Here’s some more great news. The Spanish translation of Sexual Magnetism ? Magnetismo […]

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I Have a Confession to Make

I have been running this business for 3 years with a very slow, gradual and stable growth. I have been teaching people how to improve their relationships with Sexual Magnetism, how to apply that system for financial abundance with Financial Magnetism, how to easily get jobs and how to walk a path of constant evolution. […]

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33% OFF Sexual Magnetism Blueprint (3 days only)

I just finished an intense “Live Spiritual Transformation Event” with Rion Freeberg. We had clients who flew all the way from Europe and United States to Colombia join the event. It was absolutely amazing and legendary! On top of that, I just committed $16000 to train with David Neagle, one of the top business coaches […]

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Merry Christmas! Free Gifts for You

As a thank you for being a loyal fan, I have a very special gift for you today… ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a good friend whose advice and teachings have the power to impact your life in ALL areas, ESPECIALLY in achieving sexual choice with women. His name is Kurt Spelling and he?s spent the last […]

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Is Sexual Magnetism Evil

A few people asked me whether sexual magnetism (also known as animal magnetism) is good or evil. Someone wrote in an article that ?sexual magnetism is evil and manipulative, and also that the person with sexual magnetism steals the other person’s life-force in the process”. Let’s explore the issue. The author doesn’t seem to know […]

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Business in the Third Millenium

There is currently a class war between the workers and the ultra-rich, and the rich are winning. That’s unfortunate, because this is not sustainable for anyone. Money, which is nothing more than a piece of paper representing an agreement and a contract, is losing its stability. Investors are moving their wealth into real assets such […]

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What Is The Millennial Generation

I have been struggling for years to figure out what’s special with the people I work with and how to connect with more of these people. My clients are a small minority of people spread across 20 countries. Now I just realized… my target market is the Millennial Generation. This explains everything. The Millennials are […]

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The Hundredth Monkey Effect With Spirituality

I just arrived back from CEO Space in Las Vegas where I received education from some of the world best trainers and networked with over 800 business owners. I got tremendous value through the week. I’ll soon have a video channel on Facebook TV which is a company that is growing exponentially. Someone is also […]

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Your Spirit Is Unshakable

I just came onto this GREAT video. Those of you who are trouble-makers or have been medicated will especially want to watch this. It brought me to tears. It is 10 minutes long and is really worth it. Your life matters and your spirit is unshakable. [youtube][/youtube] Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously […]

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Sexual Magnetism 50% OFF

Sexual Magnetism is my best-selling product. It is the most precise and in-depth product you can find about changing from the inside out to dramatically improve your authentic charisma and your dating life. The updated version of Sexual Magnetism also includes advanced concepts of Alchemy which have proven to be very powerful for many people. […]

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