74% of you guys believe something is missing in how men and women relate in the Western world and the divorce rate in America is 15 times higher than in Mexico. I would like to create communities of people who want to live their lives according to authentic principles, for both men and women.The idea just came to me and I wrote a first draft. However, a constitution of people has to be written by the people. Let me know what you think of this draft, what you believe in and what you want for people all around you. We can create a space in which you can grow and expand. We may have to find a name for it.

1. We believe in the Power of NOW, free from our minds, into our hearts and bodies.
2. We believe in the emotional inter-connectedness of every living being.
3. We believe in the beaty of the soul.
4. We believe in the abundance of love, relationships, food, ressources and money.
5. We believe in living spontaneously without needing to plan and control our lives.
6. We believe in supporting every person in our lives through cooperation. Competition and abundance cannot co-exist.
7. We believe in authentic personal empowerment and the freedom of our minds from external validation.

Post your feedback, comments and suggestions!

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