Posts Tagged self-confidence

Live Self-Transformation Event Testimonial

A question from a subscriber: ?Are you high? $147 for an ebook?? I?m just done with the live event in Colombia of 5 days with me and Rion Freeberg. The value that was delivered and the transformation that took place are just ridiculous. There are no words to give justice to what really happened. Better […]

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33% OFF Sexual Magnetism Blueprint (3 days only)

I just finished an intense “Live Spiritual Transformation Event” with Rion Freeberg. We had clients who flew all the way from Europe and United States to Colombia join the event. It was absolutely amazing and legendary! On top of that, I just committed $16000 to train with David Neagle, one of the top business coaches […]

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Merry Christmas! Free Gifts for You

As a thank you for being a loyal fan, I have a very special gift for you today… ๐Ÿ™‚ I have a good friend whose advice and teachings have the power to impact your life in ALL areas, ESPECIALLY in achieving sexual choice with women. His name is Kurt Spelling and he?s spent the last […]

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Is Sexual Magnetism Evil

A few people asked me whether sexual magnetism (also known as animal magnetism) is good or evil. Someone wrote in an article that ?sexual magnetism is evil and manipulative, and also that the person with sexual magnetism steals the other person’s life-force in the process”. Let’s explore the issue. The author doesn’t seem to know […]

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Detailed Psychic Energy Readings

I recently offered 10 free psychic readings and the spots got filled in a shocking 25 minutes. I received many more requests but unfortunately don’t have time to do it for everybody. I am amazed at the interest for psychic readings which is much higher than for distance healing. Another interesting observation is that many […]

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New e-book: How to Get a Good Paying Job

I want to make the products and coaching more accessible to you. By popular demand, I created a new e-book called How to Get a Good Paying Job. I have always found jobs very easily. Many of my customers also got several job offers after coaching with me. This e-book will go in-depth about what […]

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Why Self-Development Brings Unsatisfying Results

Self-development is a huge business. Let?s talk about why it doesn?t bring satisfying results for most people. Here are the mistakes almost everybody make and how to avoid them. [youtube][/youtube] Why Self-Development Brings Unsatisfying Results Many people want to change their results in life. They are willing to change their words and actions but they […]

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How to Get Job Interviews

I get computer programming job offers every week, which pay 80000$/year as salary or 100000$/year as independent contractual worker. I thought it was because of my extensive programming experience and expertise, but there might be more to it. One of my coaching clients got 3 job interviews the week after we worked together on solving […]

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Natural Grounding Guide 2011

My friend Rion Williams has written an e-book a while ago about Natural Grounding. It is a very powerful meditation technique that allowed thousands of men to feel better about themselves, to have more self-confidence, to better understand women and even to overcome porn addiction. He recently released a new 2011 version of that e-book. […]

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FREE VIDEO: What is Healing

What does healing means to you? For some people, it means taking drugs to remove problems. For others, it means chopping off parts of the body that don’t work anymore. To me, it means unblocking the energetic system of the body so that it can regenerate and self-heal itself properly. It is also about dissolving […]

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