Posts Tagged emotions and intimacy

Are you worthy without a relationship?

One issue that comes over and over again while coaching both men and women is having traumas related to past relationships or still being attached to past relationships. These people feel a void within themselves and this considerably affects their quality of life for years. Beyond this, there is another important issue to look at. […]

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How Shamanism Relates to Relationships

Some people don’t see the link between shamanism and relationships. Here’s why energy work matters. [youtube][/youtube] Shamanic Attraction sounds nice but how does shamanism relate to relationships? A relationship is about the way a person feels about you. It?s an emotional concept. E-motions are energies in motion. So it all comes down to energies. You […]

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Sexual Magnetism – Spark Sexual Attraction with Women

The product page for Sexual Magnetism is now ready. It is a spiritual blueprint to develop a magnetic presence that draws women to you. You will learn how your energy field affects your life and how to heal emotional blockages to change at your core. Read more about Sexual Magnetism Get our best-selling e-book Sexual […]

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Tell me about Authentic Attraction

All the information you guys gave in the previous surveys is priceless. It helps me be more targeted to talk with the right people in the right way. I learnt a few things I didn’t expect. I would like to hear what you think about Authentic Attraction. This survey is even shorter than the others, […]

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