Some people don’t see the link between shamanism and relationships. Here’s why energy work matters.
Shamanic Attraction sounds nice but how does shamanism relate to relationships? A relationship is about the way a person feels about you. It?s an emotional concept. E-motions are energies in motion. So it all comes down to energies. You can change the way people feel around you by altering energies at your core, which will alter your relationships. A shaman is someone who is connected to everything through his inner power. It is about mastering the non-verbal communication between people. It is about living a greater life with creativity, inspiration and purpose. It is about living life with health, wealth and abundance in all areas. It is about seeing beyond the illusions of society and opening ourselves to new possibilities. Women love the rare people who live such a life.
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#1 by Gary Thompson on February 18, 2011 - 12:27 am
Energies, yes. How you change them is instantaneous and pretty subconsis.
And yes, you can change other peoples but if you have to think about it, then maybe you should think about it.
Changing ourselves,,,,,,, well, we all know about that. Influencing passing things — yes, for the quick better.
But changing individual people? Why would you screw with your own map?
#2 by Etienne Charland on February 18, 2011 - 5:43 pm
Because you’re not satisfied by the map of life you have by default, and want to live something better? Lasting external changes come from within.
#3 by Gary Thompson on February 20, 2011 - 9:33 am
Change yourself? Sure.
Change somebody else? Be cautious.
The people you interact with? Well when you reach in a bag of oranges and pull out a rotten one, you toss it and dig around for another orange.
#4 by Etienne Charland on February 20, 2011 - 12:15 pm
Right. You don’t change other people. You choose who you interact with and you change your relationship and interaction with those people.
#5 by Tom Wright on November 7, 2011 - 8:41 pm
Interesting route of thought. You could always trade the word ‘shamanism’ with ‘energy work’ and therein would lay a path based on resonance. Regardless of the meaningless words we use to describe either ourselves or each other, when we resonate with someone, it’s always good. Good energy, for certain. Love and Light, Tom Wright A Course In Shamanism.