Archive for category Social Environment

3 Tips to Quickly Adapt to Travel Jet Lag

I just went to a live event in San Diego hosted by my coach Max Simon and flied all the way from Bangkok. That’s a nice 14h jet lag! 15h jet lag on the way back because time just changed. Interestingly enough, after these 30 hours of travel and 14h jet lag, I wasn’t feeling […]

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Free Energy Technology Blueprint

Here’s the blueprint of a free energy technology which I delivered as a speech at Toastmaster at McGill University in Montreal. It is based on the pyrolysis chemical reaction and it allows generating free combustible gas out of garbage. There is nothing to sell. Watch the video, click like, get the plans and build it […]

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The Power of Femininity

I came to realize that talking about femininity really triggered many women’s defenses. This really wasn’t my intention. My intention is to empower you so that you can live the way you truly desire. I came to realize that there are lots of ideas and stigmas related to femininity which distort the message. To rectify […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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High Hopes – Fight for the New Generation

I made a great new friend. You may or may not have noticed that most of the music that is being fed to us and especially to the young people is crap: drug, violence, sex, abuse and all kinds of things that are far from reconnecting us to spirit and human nature. My new friend, […]

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David Neagle Certified Coach Miracle of Money Mentor

Here’s some exciting news. I am now a David Neagle Certified Coach Miracle of Money Mentor and I am authorized to teach his Miracle of Money system. If you don’t know David Neagle yet, he’s known for helping people make in 30 days more than they’ve done in a year, and for building successful million-dollar […]

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Is Money the Root of All Evil or a Divine Miracle?

We’ve all heard this: Money is the root of all evil. Is this true? There are so many misconceptions related to money. Let’s dig into facts and beliefs to clarify this. Your reality is a reflection of your consciousness, and the world reality is a reflection of global consciousness. ?Money is the root of all […]

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Being Equal to Social Powers

If I haven’t given much updates lately, it’s because I’ve been very busy working on the new website Spiritual Self Transformation and getting my credit card merchant account up and running. I also started working on a new video training program to directly tap into the self-transformation methodology. For now, I wanted to share a […]

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What Will Happen in 2012

Happy New Year! A year or two ago, many people were laughing about the concept of the 2012 energy shift. Now, many people come to me asking what the heck is going on. The world is in complete chaos in all aspects. The United States and Europe are economically crashing. There are so many deep […]

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Are You a Millennial?

Are you part of the Millennial generation? Let’s find out! Here is a quiz from the Pew Research Center to determine your Millennial score. I scored 89. What about you? Take the quiz! Also, answer this survey with the results of the quiz. This will allow me to know specifically how being a Millennial […]

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