Definition: A Person's Ability to Influence or Inspire Others.
To be charismatic, a person must develop himself energetically, individually and socially. In dating and relationships, charisma refers to a person's sexual attractiveness. In business and politics, it refers to a person's leadership. In religion, it refers to a person's ability to perform miracles. These are various facets of the same charismatic state of being.
Energetic Development
This represents a person's energetic purity. A charismatic person's lower chakras are grounded to the Earth's sexual energy and the upper chakras are grounded to the Universe's love energy. Energy will flow effortlessly throughout all the energy centers in-between. A charismatic person will be fearless and daring. That person will be a very sexual and very loving person. Energetic development has an exponential effect on charisma and is universal in all cultures.
Individual Development
This represents someone's personal development: ego, personality and inner-game. A charismatic person will be emotionally stable, well educated, well organized and will have integrity. This is the development of the ego, the way you identify yourself. This is what differentiates you from the Universal spiritual presence that some people call God. Individual development has a linear effect on charisma.
Social Development
This represents the way a person is viewed and the way they handle social details. It includes the way a person dresses, walks and talks. It also includes his perceived social status and credibility. With social dynamics what matters is not who a person is but how he is perceived. Thus, the most famous experts will often not be the most knowledgeable but the ones who are best at marketing themselves. Social development is essential in order to gain popularity but it has a volatile effect that works only with specific groups of people. Perceived value mostly has an impact on indirect relationships and not so much on direct and intimate relationships.
More Definitions:
Animal Magnetism,
Sexual Attraction,