Posts Tagged energy

Live a Life You Truly Love

You know you have a higher purpose you are not living. You’re frustrated! And it’s building into anger and depression up to a point where your life collapses. It doesn’t have to be that way. Join us at the?Force of Life FREE Training?on June 8th at 1pm PST. June 8th will be the New Moon, […]

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Thailand Live Event Greatly Upgraded

I’m still digesting the recent breakthrough about Dharma Spirituality and its implications, but what difference does that make in your life? If you are reading this, I suppose you want more happiness, purpose and wealth in your life. You may have read various books about spirituality and self-development. Yet, you don’t see the results. At […]

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The Power of Femininity

I came to realize that talking about femininity really triggered many women’s defenses. This really wasn’t my intention. My intention is to empower you so that you can live the way you truly desire. I came to realize that there are lots of ideas and stigmas related to femininity which distort the message. To rectify […]

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No More “Information Gathering” – Get RESULTS!

There are many people who keep going from seminar to seminar, invest many thousands of dollars and end up still not having the results they desire. If that’s your case, this article is precisely for you. The problem is that most people are in “information gathering” mode where they collect information, take small actions, give […]

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The Unbearable Truth

I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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Free Energy Technologies Coming Out

I’ve been talking about free energy for a while. Daniel Pomerleau is making very impressive demonstrations of generating electricity from nothing with electric circuits that make no sense. However, nobody is able to understand or reproduce what he does. Several technologies from Tesla have been coming out on the internet lately. He’s not generating energy […]

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The Universe’s Map To Financial Abundance – Part 1

Some great stuff came up after the last article where I asked whether you truly believed the Universe was abundant and unlimited, because if that was the case, you wouldn’t hesitate to pay anyone $20000 to bring you towards your goals, because he couldn’t take anything away from your unlimited supply. Hands down the most […]

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Step Into Your Life Purpose

Here’s something I realized during the Medellin self-awakening and transformation event. As long as you seek to heal yourself and improve your own personal life, your energy field can expand up to about 16 feet and you will stagnate there. In order for your energy to expand beyond that, you must get out of the […]

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How to Get Job Interviews

I get computer programming job offers every week, which pay 80000$/year as salary or 100000$/year as independent contractual worker. I thought it was because of my extensive programming experience and expertise, but there might be more to it. One of my coaching clients got 3 job interviews the week after we worked together on solving […]

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