Posts Tagged emotional

The Danger of Energy Healing

I just made it to Thailand and found a good apartment for the upcoming event in Bangkok. I visited the condominiums around the city and turns out the price for furnished apartments range between $1100 (for studio) and $5000 (for 4 bedrooms) for a furnished apartment, only with yearly contracts! Someone pointed out that there […]

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We Are Pure Shining Diamonds Covered by Mud

We are pure shining diamonds covered with mud just waiting to be uncovered. This is a core principle of Self-Awakening and Self-Transformation. We’ve been thought to believe we must learn and develop skills and competences. We’ve been brought up to believe it takes discipline, perseverance and experience to reach higher emotional and spiritual states. These […]

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Authentic Community Constitution Draft

74% of you guys believe something is missing in how men and women relate in the Western world and the divorce rate in America is 15 times higher than in Mexico. I would like to create communities of people who want to live their lives according to authentic principles, for both men and women.The idea […]

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Natural Seduction Forum Launch

I am opening a forum for all Shamanic Seduction customers. It is available to all Shamanic Seduction customers, which means you can gain access by purchasing any of these products Authentic Seduction Sexual Magnetism For existing customers of Sexual Magnetism, you can get the Invitation Code to register on the forum on the […]

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