Posts Tagged Universe Energy

Dharma Spirituality Core Principles

Dharma Spirituality is the shameless expression of your heart’s deepest desires. It’s not about living a more spiritual life. It’s about living a more human life IN alignment with spirit. Here are the 12 core principles of Dharma Spirituality. 1. You are perfect and unlimited at your core. That perfection is covered with mud. It?s […]

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The Universe?s Map To Financial Abundance ? Part 2

In the first part of this article, I covered how you must focus on the cause in order to experience the consequence of money, and how to make decisions from a different place to get different results. Now, let’s look into clarifying many of the beliefs that came up regarding whether the Universe is truly […]

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The Universe’s Map To Financial Abundance – Part 1

Some great stuff came up after the last article where I asked whether you truly believed the Universe was abundant and unlimited, because if that was the case, you wouldn’t hesitate to pay anyone $20000 to bring you towards your goals, because he couldn’t take anything away from your unlimited supply. Hands down the most […]

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The Apocalypse of 2012

Some people say there will be an apocalypse on December 21st 2012. Let’s analyze what is currently happening around the world and what it means into your life. 2012 is NOT the end of the world. It is the disclosure of things that have been hidden from us for a long time. Learn about the […]

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What UFO Disclosure Really Means

More and more UFOs are being seen all around the world in the recent years and it is becoming an accepted fact by an increasing part of the population. UFOs are being seen all around the world. The British government released its classified archives about UFOs. US army officials talked about it to the medias. […]

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Your Spirit Is Unshakable

I just came onto this GREAT video. Those of you who are trouble-makers or have been medicated will especially want to watch this. It brought me to tears. It is 10 minutes long and is really worth it. Your life matters and your spirit is unshakable. [youtube][/youtube] Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously […]

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Arrived in Peru

I arrived in Peru a few days ago and I’ll be here for some time. I must say it was difficult to adapt to the shift of culture, energy and ambiance although I’m not exactly sure why. It’s really not the first time I leave to foreign countries. I haven’t seen much of the night […]

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Half-hour Seduction Coaching

I previously offered half-hour seduction coaching sessions and it was a huge success. I’m offering it again. Until December 31th, you can try 30 minutes of phone coaching for 74$. Once per customer only. Offer available until December 31h. Here’s what people got from only half an hour of coaching. “Thanks again for today’s coaching […]

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God is a principle

God is a principle. This isn’t rocket science or hoccy doogy, it’s very simple. Supposing everything in the Universe is Energy at the base, 1. If you put your attention on a part of your body with a certain thought, it will re-align the particles of Energy to match your thought. 2. If you put […]

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