Posts Tagged remote healing

How to do Distance Healing

Here’s a new video explaining how to do distance healing [youtube][/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube][/youtube] I may produce a Spanish version in the future. You can request distance healing here Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Distance Healing Experiments

Lately I have been experimenting with distance healing. It has been a very interesting experiment. I’ve seen a lot of things I didn’t except. After 5 minutes of distance healing, one person saw HUGE changes on serious painful issues he had his entire life. I’ve been working an entire hour on another person whose energy […]

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FREE Distance Healing

Here’s something cool I’m starting to do. If you have physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual issues you want to heal, I can do distance energy healing to work on it. I’ll also read what’s behind the issue. I’ve been experimenting with this lately and results are impressive. Hey, it’s worth a try! Request FREE distance […]

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