Here’s the third best way to improve your sexual attractiveness: don’t think about what to say to a girl.
You may want to do and say the right thing, but the truth is, the less you think or care about what to say, the more spontaneous and genuine you are and the better it is. Also, when you want to please a woman, you?re not being yourself and they smell it. They want to see who you are behind your masks. When you are truly in the present moment instead of wondering what to say next, it gives women space to continue the conversation so you don?t have to work to build rapport. You want to reach a flow state from which the conversation happens by itself.
Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!
#1 by Alisha on December 14, 2010 - 11:17 pm
Thats for sure. Its the look…..and body language.
#2 by Etienne Charland on December 14, 2010 - 11:19 pm
Look and body language, but also non-verbal emotional communication. What you convey with your intentions.
#3 by Alisha on December 15, 2010 - 5:50 pm
thats right. Right now I am super depressed cause of being single and childless.So my body language and me aint very chipper.
#4 by Etienne Charland on December 15, 2010 - 5:53 pm
And that depression pushes what you want away.
I can present you guys in Montreal who would love to have sex with you. However, I can’t promise it would be the most fulfilling experience, nor that they will still want to see you after a week.
In order for results to change, changes have to happen from within.
#5 by Joe on December 15, 2010 - 5:29 pm
Hello, I’m having a hard time grasping a concept, please clarify Etienne. “When you are truly in the present moment instead of wondering what to say next, it gives women space to continue the conversation so you don?t have to work to build rapport. ”
How does it give women space? What does it mean to “give space”? And how “giving space” leads to automatic rapport?
#6 by Etienne Charland on December 15, 2010 - 5:58 pm
It’s the difference between “being” and “doing”. Many people are busy “doing” things all the time without ever taking the time to be present. Simply “being” with her is a rare gift.