Posts Tagged VIDEO

Free Energy Technology Blueprint

Here’s the blueprint of a free energy technology which I delivered as a speech at Toastmaster at McGill University in Montreal. It is based on the pyrolysis chemical reaction and it allows generating free combustible gas out of garbage. There is nothing to sell. Watch the video, click like, get the plans and build it […]

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Psychic Reading of Energy Profiles

I’m back from the Purpose and Prosperity Live Event in Montreal and just transferred 27GB of video from the event onto my laptop. It may take some time to release all of them but I already have a few videos ready. I have been doing psychic readings of energy profiles for a while and this […]

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All Dating Products Are Now FREE!!

Breaking news: With all the changes going on with my life and business, I made a major decision. All dating products on the Shamanic Attraction website, including the best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint which was sold $147, are now completely free. You can access the Sexual Magnetism Blueprint for free as well as other products […]

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Jacques Tombazian Interview about Alchemy

My mentor Jacques Tombazian recently had an interview about Alchemy. You will find this very interesting. [youtube][/youtube] Enjoy! Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Live Self-Transformation Event Testimonial

A question from a subscriber: ?Are you high? $147 for an ebook?? I?m just done with the live event in Colombia of 5 days with me and Rion Freeberg. The value that was delivered and the transformation that took place are just ridiculous. There are no words to give justice to what really happened. Better […]

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Clarity, Focus and Leverage for Self-Transformation

I haven’t given any updates in a while. I had been traveling two weeks in the north of Peru then moved to Medellin in Colombia. I’ll be living here 2 months with Rion Freeberg. We’ll have a blast ๐Ÿ™‚ Been busy catching up on work and setting up the apartment. We’ve got 4 bathrooms for […]

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Awakening of Femininity in the Western World, Part 2

In the first part of this article, we explored the current state of femininity in the Western world to clearly understand why dating is so complicated and why people are so disconnected from each other. If you haven’t already, read it here. Awareness is the first step to solve a problem, but if you want […]

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Awakening of Femininity in the Western World, Part 1

Let’s get straight to the point. The main reason dating is so difficult in the Western world is that femininity has been repressed. Women have adopted masculine traits. They wanted equality but they got sameness. The contrasts of life have been taken away, leaving only gray tones. We end up with masculine women and men […]

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The Millennial Generation (Video)

A new generation is growing up around the world who has a very different way of thinking. They are often called the millennials, or generation y. Researches about this new generation are done by non-millennials for non-millennials and say nothing about their real issues and motivations. For the first time in history, here’s an overview […]

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11.11.11 Birth of Self-Transformation Industry

It is now 11.11.11, what a great day to launch a new industry. I am officially releasing the video Self-Transformation: The Birth of a New Industry in English, French and Spanish. This marks a clear step forward from what we have seen so far in the self-transformation industry. I also recently had breakthroughs about understanding […]

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