Posts Tagged dating intimacy

How Shamanism Relates to Relationships

Some people don’t see the link between shamanism and relationships. Here’s why energy work matters. [youtube][/youtube] Shamanic Attraction sounds nice but how does shamanism relate to relationships? A relationship is about the way a person feels about you. It?s an emotional concept. E-motions are energies in motion. So it all comes down to energies. You […]

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Are you happier abroad?

Here?s a very interesting website that expose precise facts about dating and social life in North America compared to the rest of the world. Warning: this website is VERY politically incorrect and may offend some. Here?s a comparison of life in America and life in most other countries. Here are just a few […]

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Men want sex, women want intimacy

There’s a difference between men and women. Men want sex while women want intimacy. Since women are the choosers, and since sex is a by-product of connecting with a woman, you want intimacy as well. If I talk about how to have more and better sex, women get on the defensive and don’t want to […]

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How to become a Master Seducer

There’s a very good Tai Chi master I met who told me he practiced everyday. He didn’t miss a single day of practice in the last 11 years. Tiger Woods, the world best golf player, has an intense training routine he does every single day. Those who are serious train with consistency, not only now […]

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