Posts Tagged feminine energy

The Curse of Positive Thinking

There is a widespread idea in the self-development and spiritual communities that you should focus only on what you want to create and turn your attention away from the obstacles. I was reading The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles which is really a brilliant book published in 1910. He mentions that you should […]

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Active Manifestation vs Passive Attraction

I realize some of the things I wrote recently may be perceived with a similar skepticism or resistance as when I told pick-up artists not to pursue women. The reason is that the approach to manifesting money is different than the approach to attracting women. Taking responsibility to make women want you doesn’t work, and […]

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Arrived in Peru

I arrived in Peru a few days ago and I’ll be here for some time. I must say it was difficult to adapt to the shift of culture, energy and ambiance although I’m not exactly sure why. It’s really not the first time I leave to foreign countries. I haven’t seen much of the night […]

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How Shamanism Relates to Relationships

Some people don’t see the link between shamanism and relationships. Here’s why energy work matters. [youtube][/youtube] Shamanic Attraction sounds nice but how does shamanism relate to relationships? A relationship is about the way a person feels about you. It?s an emotional concept. E-motions are energies in motion. So it all comes down to energies. You […]

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Women?s Sexual Attractiveness

I was reading an article that gave the secret for women to have supernatural sexual attraction power: 1. Suspend Your Inner Critic 2. Be Open to Other People 3. Suspend Your Inner Critic When he says “suspend your inner critic”, he’s really onto something important. Over 95% of women in Montreal ?fail these basic points. […]

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Raw Energies

To me, Yin(feminine) and Yang(masculine) energy balance isn’t to be in-between two sexes. It means to be free to express your sexual polarity without the neediness. A woman will express her pure feminity and naturally flirt while feeling whole and not really feeling needy since she can get masculine energy from within herself. A man […]

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