Posts Tagged 2012

2012 Energy Shift, What Happened?

Yesterday was the end of the Mayan calendar. It’s not the end of the world; it’s the end of the calendar. Many associate that date with the beginning of a new golden age of consciousness and prosperity. Those who don’t know will say nothing happened, and those who know will say everything happened. What has […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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What Will Happen in 2012

Happy New Year! A year or two ago, many people were laughing about the concept of the 2012 energy shift. Now, many people come to me asking what the heck is going on. The world is in complete chaos in all aspects. The United States and Europe are economically crashing. There are so many deep […]

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Impacts and Challenges of 2012 Energy Shift

As I’ve already talked about, the planet is going through an energy shift that will reach its peak in 2012 (see video The Apocalypse of 2012). Concretely, what impact does this have on your personal energy and emotions? Your energy is rising, but there’s more than that. It also brings a few challenges to be […]

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11.11.11 Birth of Self-Transformation Industry

It is now 11.11.11, what a great day to launch a new industry. I am officially releasing the video Self-Transformation: The Birth of a New Industry in English, French and Spanish. This marks a clear step forward from what we have seen so far in the self-transformation industry. I also recently had breakthroughs about understanding […]

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11.11.11 Day of Awakening

It will soon be November 11th 2011, 11-11-11. Some people say there will be energetic portals opening up on the planet on that day that will alter the global consciousness and make manifestation faster from that day. Whether or not this is true, the fact is that millions of people will be meditating and setting […]

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The Apocalypse of 2012

Some people say there will be an apocalypse on December 21st 2012. Let’s analyze what is currently happening around the world and what it means into your life. 2012 is NOT the end of the world. It is the disclosure of things that have been hidden from us for a long time. Learn about the […]

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2012 Energy Shift… Sooner Than Expected?

I have been talking for a while about the 2012 energy shift. We are witnessing incredible changes on this planet and people are massively waking up to the truth of who they are and how the world works. I assumed 2012 to be a simple ware of higher spiritual energies and that it would be […]

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Business in the Third Millenium

There is currently a class war between the workers and the ultra-rich, and the rich are winning. That’s unfortunate, because this is not sustainable for anyone. Money, which is nothing more than a piece of paper representing an agreement and a contract, is losing its stability. Investors are moving their wealth into real assets such […]

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The Hundredth Monkey Effect With Spirituality

I just arrived back from CEO Space in Las Vegas where I received education from some of the world best trainers and networked with over 800 business owners. I got tremendous value through the week. I’ll soon have a video channel on Facebook TV which is a company that is growing exponentially. Someone is also […]

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