Posts Tagged unified field theory spirituality

Free Energy Technologies Coming Out

I’ve been talking about free energy for a while. Daniel Pomerleau is making very impressive demonstrations of generating electricity from nothing with electric circuits that make no sense. However, nobody is able to understand or reproduce what he does. Several technologies from Tesla have been coming out on the internet lately. He’s not generating energy […]

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Defining God, Love and Sexuality

Many people argue about certain topics because they have different definitions for the same words. In this video, here’s my definition of three words that are often misunderstood: God, Love and Sexuality. Clarifying these fundamental concepts makes life much easier to understand. It makes problems much easier to solve. [youtube][/youtube] I am part of Toastmaster […]

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Tesla’s Free Energy Blueprint

Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest inventors in history. He invented many technologies we use in our daily lives such as alternating current and spark plugs among many others. He was also known for inventing free energy before being cut his funds and removed from history books. Many of his inventions never saw the […]

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2012 Energy Shift… Sooner Than Expected?

I have been talking for a while about the 2012 energy shift. We are witnessing incredible changes on this planet and people are massively waking up to the truth of who they are and how the world works. I assumed 2012 to be a simple ware of higher spiritual energies and that it would be […]

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10 FREE Psychic Readings

I recently started doing online psychic readings for some customers and they were shocked by the clarity and accuracy of the readings. I am now offering a FREE online psychic readings to the 10 first people who write me back. I do NOT need your picture or even your name. I may publish the readings […]

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Feedback Wanted: How to make it accessible

I want to give you some updates about where I am with the business. You’re the one I’m working with, so I thought you might have some ideas and suggestions for me. Here’s the thing. What I provide here is extremely high value, and as some customers say, “good things should be paid”. On the […]

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Your Spirit Is Unshakable

I just came onto this GREAT video. Those of you who are trouble-makers or have been medicated will especially want to watch this. It brought me to tears. It is 10 minutes long and is really worth it. Your life matters and your spirit is unshakable. [youtube][/youtube] Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously […]

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How to do Distance Healing

Here’s a new video explaining how to do distance healing [youtube][/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube][/youtube] I may produce a Spanish version in the future. You can request distance healing here Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Arrived in Peru

I arrived in Peru a few days ago and I’ll be here for some time. I must say it was difficult to adapt to the shift of culture, energy and ambiance although I’m not exactly sure why. It’s really not the first time I leave to foreign countries. I haven’t seen much of the night […]

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FREE VIDEO: What is Healing

What does healing means to you? For some people, it means taking drugs to remove problems. For others, it means chopping off parts of the body that don’t work anymore. To me, it means unblocking the energetic system of the body so that it can regenerate and self-heal itself properly. It is also about dissolving […]

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