Many of you wanted to learn more about Alchemy and I wanted to produce a training with some of that knowledge since a while. My Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian has finally done it. He just released a new book, The Path to the 5th Dimension, which explores many advanced spiritual and healing concepts you cannot […]
Posts Tagged spirit
I had a flash in my mind about who I really want to serve and the direction of my business. People seeking to feel better, get a date or fix a health problem are not my tribe because they are usually not ready to step into what I propose them. Those heavily into spirituality and […]
I’ve been talking about free energy for a while. Daniel Pomerleau is making very impressive demonstrations of generating electricity from nothing with electric circuits that make no sense. However, nobody is able to understand or reproduce what he does. Several technologies from Tesla have been coming out on the internet lately. He’s not generating energy […]
In the first part of this article, I covered how you must focus on the cause in order to experience the consequence of money, and how to make decisions from a different place to get different results. Now, let’s look into clarifying many of the beliefs that came up regarding whether the Universe is truly […]
I am intensively studying the principles of wealth ever since my certification training with David Neagle and I am seeing very interesting shifts in my life. Question for you. If you’ve seen The Secret and read some of the spiritual stuff out there, you’ve probably heard that the Universe is abundant and unlimited. Do you […]
Are you spending your time and energy on what passionate you the most? Do you have the level of income and financial abundance you desire? After the legendary live event in Medellin that sold out within 2 days (where the guys looked 5-10 years younger after 4 days), I am organizing a new event in […]
I made a great new friend. You may or may not have noticed that most of the music that is being fed to us and especially to the young people is crap: drug, violence, sex, abuse and all kinds of things that are far from reconnecting us to spirit and human nature. My new friend, […]
It will soon be November 11th 2011, 11-11-11. Some people say there will be energetic portals opening up on the planet on that day that will alter the global consciousness and make manifestation faster from that day. Whether or not this is true, the fact is that millions of people will be meditating and setting […]