Posts Tagged unconditional love

Live Event with Rion & Etienne

Here’s some great news. I will be hosting a live event with Rion Freeberg in Medellin, Columbia, in February. This will be intense, and legendary. This is a rare opportunity for those of you who are committed to transform your life. This will be a deep transformation and we will do advanced energy work to […]

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First Natural Grounding Video in Mainstream Media

This is a historic moment. Girls’ Generation, a Korean group, released a new music video last week, except that this time they did an international release, in both Korean and English. This is the first Natural Grounding resource in history to appear in mainstream media (outside South-East Asia), and it is the first Natural Grounding […]

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Defining God, Love and Sexuality

Many people argue about certain topics because they have different definitions for the same words. In this video, here’s my definition of three words that are often misunderstood: God, Love and Sexuality. Clarifying these fundamental concepts makes life much easier to understand. It makes problems much easier to solve. [youtube][/youtube] I am part of Toastmaster […]

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The Rivalry Between Spiritual Coaches

I have known many spiritual coaches, seduction coaches and people doing that kind of work and dated a few of them. There is one thing I noticed to my big surprise. Although spiritual coaches teach unconditional love, there is usually a sense of competition and rivalry with other coaches. Here are a few traps professionals […]

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