Posts Tagged Authentic Attraction

Feedback Wanted: How to make it accessible

I want to give you some updates about where I am with the business. You’re the one I’m working with, so I thought you might have some ideas and suggestions for me. Here’s the thing. What I provide here is extremely high value, and as some customers say, “good things should be paid”. On the […]

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Coming Soon: Attraction Mastery Club

It has been a year and a half since the original release of Sexual Magnetism. Some people got great results with women since then, some people have grown a lot and some people haven’t been able to integrate it all by themselves. The people I’ve worked with privately went through huge and fast improvements, but […]

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Be Your Authentic Self

[youtube][/youtube] Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Free Video: Give Women Space to Be Charismatic

Lots of women say that they want a man who is a challenge. What they really want is a man who isn’t trying to get anything from them. At the end of the day, what matters is whether she wants you or not. Women have the choice of who they want. Men have the choice […]

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Sexual Magnetism 2011 Released

Great news! A new version of Sexual Magnetism is now released. It builds on top of the foundation of the original version and adds extremely powerful techniques. The new chapters are Eastern vs Western World: People behave differently in New-York and Bangkok. What you need to know to have success in all environments without trading […]

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Shifting Gear

There are quite a few changes going on. Here is the direction I am taking with the community I want to create. This will be a very unique community. If you talk about some of these topics on other forums, you may get flamed if the threads don’t get locked, deleted or ignored. This will […]

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The 7 Pillars of Authentic Charisma

Here’s a surprise for you. I just wrote a new e-book called The 7 Pillars of Authentic Charisma. It comes as a bonus with Authentic Attraction and Sexual Magnetism. It is free to redistribute and even resell. I wrote this e-book in a single inspired day. It will open the doors to… – Tapping into […]

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Tell me about Authentic Attraction

All the information you guys gave in the previous surveys is priceless. It helps me be more targeted to talk with the right people in the right way. I learnt a few things I didn’t expect. I would like to hear what you think about Authentic Attraction. This survey is even shorter than the others, […]

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Authentic Attraction – Live your Relationships with Authenticity, Empowerment and Freedom

The sales page for Authentic Attraction is now ready. It is an affordable product and is excellent to improve and reframe all the existing relationships in your life. Check it out! Authentic Attraction Other pages of the website will be completed soon. Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Shamanic Attraction New Website Up!

Here’s some great news! Shamanic Attraction new website is now up and running! It provides much more information such as my story and spiritual path. It also makes it much easier to access the blog and forum. You get lifetime access to the forum after purchasing any product. If you use social medias, make […]

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