Posts Tagged sex transmutation

Magnetismo Sexual – Now Available in Spanish!

My dating products have gone viral since releasing them for free. Traffic on my website went from 200 visits per day to 400 visits per day for a few days, and a bunch of new people are getting the products every day. Here’s some more great news. The Spanish translation of Sexual Magnetism ? Magnetismo […]

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Defining God, Love and Sexuality

Many people argue about certain topics because they have different definitions for the same words. In this video, here’s my definition of three words that are often misunderstood: God, Love and Sexuality. Clarifying these fundamental concepts makes life much easier to understand. It makes problems much easier to solve. [youtube][/youtube] I am part of Toastmaster […]

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Are you worthy without a relationship?

One issue that comes over and over again while coaching both men and women is having traumas related to past relationships or still being attached to past relationships. These people feel a void within themselves and this considerably affects their quality of life for years. Beyond this, there is another important issue to look at. […]

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The Gradual Transformation Process

Many people are looking for the magic pill that will solve all their problems and end up frustrated. A few people are willing to put more efforts to get deeper results. Lasting external changes come from within. For those who decide to take the road of clearing their emotional limitations to transform their life from […]

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Changing your Life with Sexual Transmutation

Shamanic Attraction is kind of in-between two self-development movements without fitting into any. 1. Seduction community: They are focused on satisfying their sexual desires and sacrifice their authenticity. 2. Spiritual community: They develop themselves spiritually to improve every aspect of life and mostly skip their sexuality. Some people may wonder… if I am teaching spiritual […]

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Why tons of women?

Many people who are in the seduction community and most seduction marketers talk about getting “tons of women”. It got me to wonder? why tons of women? I don?t know about you, but personally, I find that 2 or 3 great women take all of my free time. I wouldn?t have time for more. Why […]

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Tao ? The Mysterious Power

The way is empty, yet use will not drain it. Deep, it is like the ancestor of the myriad creatures. Blunt the sharpness; Untangle the knots; Soften the glare; Let your wheels move only along old ruts. Darkly visible, it only seems as if it were there. I know not whose son it is. It […]

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