Here’s the blueprint of a free energy technology which I delivered as a speech at Toastmaster at McGill University in Montreal. It is based on the pyrolysis chemical reaction and it allows generating free combustible gas out of garbage. There is nothing to sell. Watch the video, click like, get the plans and build it […]
Posts Tagged pyrolysis
The Unbearable Truth
May 24
I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not […]
I’ve been talking about free energy for a while. Daniel Pomerleau is making very impressive demonstrations of generating electricity from nothing with electric circuits that make no sense. However, nobody is able to understand or reproduce what he does. Several technologies from Tesla have been coming out on the internet lately. He’s not generating energy […]