Posts Tagged alchemical healing

The Path to the 5th Dimension by Jacques Tombazian

Many of you wanted to learn more about Alchemy and I wanted to produce a training with some of that knowledge since a while. My Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian has finally done it. He just released a new book, The Path to the 5th Dimension, which explores many advanced spiritual and healing concepts you cannot […]

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Psychic Reading of Energy Profiles

I’m back from the Purpose and Prosperity Live Event in Montreal and just transferred 27GB of video from the event onto my laptop. It may take some time to release all of them but I already have a few videos ready. I have been doing psychic readings of energy profiles for a while and this […]

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The Curse of Positive Thinking

There is a widespread idea in the self-development and spiritual communities that you should focus only on what you want to create and turn your attention away from the obstacles. I was reading The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles which is really a brilliant book published in 1910. He mentions that you should […]

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No More “Information Gathering” – Get RESULTS!

There are many people who keep going from seminar to seminar, invest many thousands of dollars and end up still not having the results they desire. If that’s your case, this article is precisely for you. The problem is that most people are in “information gathering” mode where they collect information, take small actions, give […]

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Miracle of Money Live Event

Here?s some great news. Since I am now a David Neagle certified Miracle of Money coach, I will be hosting a live event in Montreal in 2 months or so. Although the details are not decided yet, it will be under a thousand dollars for a 3 days event of teaching David Neale?s proven Miracle […]

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Jacques Tombazian Interview about Alchemy

My mentor Jacques Tombazian recently had an interview about Alchemy. You will find this very interesting. [youtube][/youtube] Enjoy! Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Second Live Self-Transformation Event!

The live event with me and Rion has been sold out within 2 days. Because some of our clients were about to make a heart-attack for not making it, we are organizing a second live event on March 9-13th 2012 in Medellin Columbia. You will get 60 hours with both me and Rion to break […]

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Live Event with Rion & Etienne

Here’s some great news. I will be hosting a live event with Rion Freeberg in Medellin, Columbia, in February. This will be intense, and legendary. This is a rare opportunity for those of you who are committed to transform your life. This will be a deep transformation and we will do advanced energy work to […]

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Impacts and Challenges of 2012 Energy Shift

As I’ve already talked about, the planet is going through an energy shift that will reach its peak in 2012 (see video The Apocalypse of 2012). Concretely, what impact does this have on your personal energy and emotions? Your energy is rising, but there’s more than that. It also brings a few challenges to be […]

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11.11.11 Day of Awakening

It will soon be November 11th 2011, 11-11-11. Some people say there will be energetic portals opening up on the planet on that day that will alter the global consciousness and make manifestation faster from that day. Whether or not this is true, the fact is that millions of people will be meditating and setting […]

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