Posts Tagged ceo space

Step Into Your Life Purpose

Here’s something I realized during the Medellin self-awakening and transformation event. As long as you seek to heal yourself and improve your own personal life, your energy field can expand up to about 16 feet and you will stagnate there. In order for your energy to expand beyond that, you must get out of the […]

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The Hundredth Monkey Effect With Spirituality

I just arrived back from CEO Space in Las Vegas where I received education from some of the world best trainers and networked with over 800 business owners. I got tremendous value through the week. I’ll soon have a video channel on Facebook TV which is a company that is growing exponentially. Someone is also […]

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Free Video: Talk to Strangers

The seventh way to improve your sexual attractiveness is to talk with strangers! To arrange your lifestyle so that you constantly meet new people. [youtube][/youtube] If you stay home, nothing is going to happen. Arrange your lifestyle so that you meet women daily, such as in events, meetings or bars. Small events where you are […]

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E.D.G.E. Fuel Device – From Spirituality to Science

As you probably know, science and spirituality are getting very close to each others. I have been searching for a new generation of technologies that result from the bond between spirituality and science. So far, everything I found was to alter the human energy field and the effect could only be perceived by someone who […]

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Training for Cheap and Connecting with Masters

I’ve been to various kinds of trainings in my life and met many great people, and I usually got much more than what I paid for. Here are some of the best trainings I had for the price. Rion’s free seminar several years ago, when he was getting started. I knew his stuff was different […]

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