I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not […]
Posts Tagged masculine
The Unbearable Truth
May 24
I was reading The Way of the Superior Man from David Deida and he was saying that masculinity seeks freedom while femininity seeks love. Later I was doing Natural Grounding. Then BANG it hit it like a brick on the head! Actually it was both my hands hitting my head. The masculine is to follow […]
Over the last few years, medias have been talking about a Marriage Strike which was followed by a Sex Strike. What is this all about? First let look at some statistics: Marriage Rates (from the University of Maryland) Marriage Rates The first thing you’ll notice is that the marriage rate passed from 80 to 50 […]