Posts Tagged taking responsibility

The Unbearable Truth

I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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Active Manifestation vs Passive Attraction

I realize some of the things I wrote recently may be perceived with a similar skepticism or resistance as when I told pick-up artists not to pursue women. The reason is that the approach to manifesting money is different than the approach to attracting women. Taking responsibility to make women want you doesn’t work, and […]

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I Have a Confession to Make

I have been running this business for 3 years with a very slow, gradual and stable growth. I have been teaching people how to improve their relationships with Sexual Magnetism, how to apply that system for financial abundance with Financial Magnetism, how to easily get jobs and how to walk a path of constant evolution. […]

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