Posts Tagged purpose

Live a Life You Truly Love

You know you have a higher purpose you are not living. You’re frustrated! And it’s building into anger and depression up to a point where your life collapses. It doesn’t have to be that way. Join us at the?Force of Life FREE Training?on June 8th at 1pm PST. June 8th will be the New Moon, […]

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7 Power Secrets to Design a Lifestyle of Freedom

How would your life be different if you had total inner and outer freedom while following your life purpose? I’m ?preparing something totally unique and FREE. I’m inviting you to a teleconference about “7 Power Secrets to Design a Lifestyle of Freedom” It will cover powerful cutting-edge content: – What freedom truly is. It’s […]

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Thailand Live Event Greatly Upgraded

I’m still digesting the recent breakthrough about Dharma Spirituality and its implications, but what difference does that make in your life? If you are reading this, I suppose you want more happiness, purpose and wealth in your life. You may have read various books about spirituality and self-development. Yet, you don’t see the results. At […]

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Contentment Spirituality vs Dharma Spirituality

I just had a HUGE breakthrough regarding spirituality and the implications are far-reaching if you want to fulfill your desires into a physical reality. This is a bold sexy promise, and it explains why I and Rion have been getting results totally off the charts while many clients got massive internal transformation without reaping the […]

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Psychic Reading of Energy Profiles

I’m back from the Purpose and Prosperity Live Event in Montreal and just transferred 27GB of video from the event onto my laptop. It may take some time to release all of them but I already have a few videos ready. I have been doing psychic readings of energy profiles for a while and this […]

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No More “Information Gathering” – Get RESULTS!

There are many people who keep going from seminar to seminar, invest many thousands of dollars and end up still not having the results they desire. If that’s your case, this article is precisely for you. The problem is that most people are in “information gathering” mode where they collect information, take small actions, give […]

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Montreal Event Rescheduled and Upgraded

I’ve been lying to you. The reason I got into business was not to generate a Money Miracle in my life. I got into business because I had gifts, talents and wisdom that nobody else was teaching and that the world truly needed. I knew that if I didn’t start teaching those, nobody would. The […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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Survey: What Is Your Ultimate Goal?

I made a considerable shift in the business from relationships to healing to purpose. The reason is that purpose is the only angle that allows to encompass all areas of your life to achieve a higher level of overall results. It is also something that interests a wider range of people. To assist with this […]

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Top Four Reasons Not To Pursue Women

I got many comments on the article “Top 10 Mistakes Men Do With Women”. Comments often went along the lines of “Awesome list! I totally agree, except the first point about not pursuing women”. You can get laid either by pursuing women or by not pursuing them, and I’m sure you could find some very […]

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