Breaking news: With all the changes going on with my life and business, I made a major decision. All dating products on the Shamanic Attraction website, including the best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint which was sold $147, are now completely free. You can access the Sexual Magnetism Blueprint for free as well as other products […]
Posts Tagged life coach
I made a considerable shift in the business from relationships to healing to purpose. The reason is that purpose is the only angle that allows to encompass all areas of your life to achieve a higher level of overall results. It is also something that interests a wider range of people. To assist with this […]
Do you want more wealth and freedom? Do you want to find your life purpose? Do you want to see what has held you back from experiencing wealth in your life? Here’s some great news. I will be hosting a FREE tele-conference to show you how to find your life purpose and make money from […]
In the first part of this article, I covered how you must focus on the cause in order to experience the consequence of money, and how to make decisions from a different place to get different results. Now, let’s look into clarifying many of the beliefs that came up regarding whether the Universe is truly […]
We all have emotional issues holding us back from the great success we deserve. I have a proven system to break through issues such as unworthiness, loneliness and painful losses. My approach is based on energy healing and result-oriented spirituality. Not only do I do energy healing, I teach you how to do it yourself […]
I have been struggling for years to figure out what’s special with the people I work with and how to connect with more of these people. My clients are a small minority of people spread across 20 countries. Now I just realized… my target market is the Millennial Generation. This explains everything. The Millennials are […]
I have known many spiritual coaches, seduction coaches and people doing that kind of work and dated a few of them. There is one thing I noticed to my big surprise. Although spiritual coaches teach unconditional love, there is usually a sense of competition and rivalry with other coaches. Here are a few traps professionals […]
It came to my attention lately that my giving and taking are off balance. I spend a lot of time giving free content, videos, articles and giving free healing. Meanwhile, I receive very little for all of it and many people apply what I teach in a half-in/half-out way because they don’t invest anything and […]
How to Get Job Interviews
May 17
I get computer programming job offers every week, which pay 80000$/year as salary or 100000$/year as independent contractual worker. I thought it was because of my extensive programming experience and expertise, but there might be more to it. One of my coaching clients got 3 job interviews the week after we worked together on solving […]
Sexual Magnetism 50% OFF
Apr 12
Sexual Magnetism is my best-selling product. It is the most precise and in-depth product you can find about changing from the inside out to dramatically improve your authentic charisma and your dating life. The updated version of Sexual Magnetism also includes advanced concepts of Alchemy which have proven to be very powerful for many people. […]