Posts Tagged inner power

Live a Life You Truly Love

You know you have a higher purpose you are not living. You’re frustrated! And it’s building into anger and depression up to a point where your life collapses. It doesn’t have to be that way. Join us at the?Force of Life FREE Training?on June 8th at 1pm PST. June 8th will be the New Moon, […]

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7 Power Secrets to Design a Lifestyle of Freedom

How would your life be different if you had total inner and outer freedom while following your life purpose? I’m ?preparing something totally unique and FREE. I’m inviting you to a teleconference about “7 Power Secrets to Design a Lifestyle of Freedom” It will cover powerful cutting-edge content: – What freedom truly is. It’s […]

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Get an Energy Tune-Up

I’m providing a very high level of transformational value and was wondering how to make it more accessible to you. I came up with this idea that will bring massive impact in your life without taking too much of my personal time. I will now offer an Energy Tune-Up, which is a package to kick-start […]

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Shaking Your Core Beliefs

I’ve been alienating women for a long time by talking about sexual polarity. I’ve been alienating the seduction community for a long time by telling them they’d get more if they stopped trying to take from others. I’ve alienating the mainstream for a long time by talking about “far out” stuff that has nothing to […]

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Coaches/Healers: Step Into Your Divine Power

This message is for female coaches and healers, although it also impacts the life of everyone. Please forward it to the female coaches and healers you know. There is currently a shift of consciousness and awakening of the feminine in our society. This is shifting the social dynamics and our ways of living in a […]

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Could a Moneyless Society Exist?

Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project released a new documentary: Paradise or Oblivion. Here’s my review of the movie. [youtube][/youtube] First of all, I have to say I have immense respect for Jacque Fresco. The critics I’m bringing here are not to devalue his work but to bring the discussion to a deeper level in […]

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The Millennial Generation (Video)

A new generation is growing up around the world who has a very different way of thinking. They are often called the millennials, or generation y. Researches about this new generation are done by non-millennials for non-millennials and say nothing about their real issues and motivations. For the first time in history, here’s an overview […]

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