Posts Tagged interconnected

11.11.11 Birth of Self-Transformation Industry

It is now 11.11.11, what a great day to launch a new industry. I am officially releasing the video Self-Transformation: The Birth of a New Industry in English, French and Spanish. This marks a clear step forward from what we have seen so far in the self-transformation industry. I also recently had breakthroughs about understanding […]

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Free Video: Talk to Strangers

The seventh way to improve your sexual attractiveness is to talk with strangers! To arrange your lifestyle so that you constantly meet new people. [youtube][/youtube] If you stay home, nothing is going to happen. Arrange your lifestyle so that you meet women daily, such as in events, meetings or bars. Small events where you are […]

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Free Video: See and Value the Sacred Feminine

Here’s the sixth best way to improve your sexual attractiveness: see and value the sacred feminine. Authentic seduction is about bringing out the authenticity from within people and connecting with it. [youtube][/youtube] Men and women are meant to complement each other in a very natural and harmonious way. Femininity has been repressed in our western […]

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Is there really ?vibrations? connecting us?

The Laws of Attraction state that whatever you focus on, you attract it into your life. Does it do so only by shifting our attitude, or can our mind affect things outside our awareness? The real question is: is there really “vibrations” connecting us? Many people say so and many others say it’s bullshit. Here’s […]

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God is a principle

God is a principle. This isn’t rocket science or hoccy doogy, it’s very simple. Supposing everything in the Universe is Energy at the base, 1. If you put your attention on a part of your body with a certain thought, it will re-align the particles of Energy to match your thought. 2. If you put […]

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