If you’ve seen some of the video testimonials I published recently, clients talk about very profound and powerful healing, and I’m talking about even more advanced topics in regards to the upcoming event in Thailand. If you have experience with techniques such as EFT, Reiki and Quantum Touch, this can sound far-off… and even more […]
Archive for category Life Purpose and Business
I had a flash in my mind about who I really want to serve and the direction of my business. People seeking to feel better, get a date or fix a health problem are not my tribe because they are usually not ready to step into what I propose them. Those heavily into spirituality and […]
I’m back from the Purpose and Prosperity Live Event in Montreal and just transferred 27GB of video from the event onto my laptop. It may take some time to release all of them but I already have a few videos ready. I have been doing psychic readings of energy profiles for a while and this […]
My dating products have gone viral since releasing them for free. Traffic on my website went from 200 visits per day to 400 visits per day for a few days, and a bunch of new people are getting the products every day. Here’s some more great news. The Spanish translation of Sexual Magnetism ? Magnetismo […]
Breaking news: With all the changes going on with my life and business, I made a major decision. All dating products on the Shamanic Attraction website, including the best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint which was sold $147, are now completely free. You can access the Sexual Magnetism Blueprint for free as well as other products […]
There is a widespread idea in the self-development and spiritual communities that you should focus only on what you want to create and turn your attention away from the obstacles. I was reading The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles which is really a brilliant book published in 1910. He mentions that you should […]
I’ve been alienating women for a long time by talking about sexual polarity. I’ve been alienating the seduction community for a long time by telling them they’d get more if they stopped trying to take from others. I’ve alienating the mainstream for a long time by talking about “far out” stuff that has nothing to […]
There are many people who keep going from seminar to seminar, invest many thousands of dollars and end up still not having the results they desire. If that’s your case, this article is precisely for you. The problem is that most people are in “information gathering” mode where they collect information, take small actions, give […]
The Unbearable Truth
May 24
I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not […]
I’ve been lying to you. The reason I got into business was not to generate a Money Miracle in my life. I got into business because I had gifts, talents and wisdom that nobody else was teaching and that the world truly needed. I knew that if I didn’t start teaching those, nobody would. The […]