I just went to CEO Space event in Las Vegas, which is a full-week business forum, training and networking. It has been a huge shift for me. I got to clarify the essence of what I’m doing, to clarify the story behind it, to improve my language, which made a HUGE difference in the way […]
Archive for category Life Purpose and Business
CEO Space Experience
Mar 30
A Blind Man Singing
Feb 4
Here?s the story behind a show that was organized to raise funds for Haiti. The idea came from Denis, who is blind since birth, and it was organized in a single week with lots of artists. The ambiance was magical, way beyond anything I would have expected. Look at the charisma Denis projects and the […]
I’ve been to various kinds of trainings in my life and met many great people, and I usually got much more than what I paid for. Here are some of the best trainings I had for the price. Rion’s free seminar several years ago, when he was getting started. I knew his stuff was different […]
Most people want to change their results and are willing to change their thoughts and actions, but do you really want to change as a person? Changing at the core means forgetting about this self you’ve known for so long. It means letting the way you identify yourself die in some way, to be reborn […]
Abundance vs Scarcity
Aug 11
Here’s a question from a subscriber “How would you define the difference between ideas coming from a state of abundance vs ideas coming from a state of scarcity? Or, how to define ideas that are about getting vs ideas that are about giving?” Do you believe in freedom of thoughts? You live in a free […]
What is an alpha male
Aug 11
This topic has been discussed over and over again through history yet is still unclear for most people, especially in a culture where alpha men and sexual polarity are repressed. For clarity, here is what an alpha male is and is not. 1. An alpha male radiates confidence. 2. An alpha male feels GREAT about […]
Is it OK to do X
Aug 11
Every thoughts and actions come from feelings. If the action comes from a good feeling or a state of abundance, then it’s OK. If it comes from a bad feeling or a state of scarcity, then it isn’t. If it is going toward what you want then it’s OK. If it is going away from […]
We often don’t allow ourselves to desire things because we can’t see how we could have them. Even if we do allow ourselves to desire it, we often want to control or see how it will happen. If it’s something you really need, you can ask yourself “How can I…”, but it has its limits. […]
You can have what you want
Aug 11
You can have what you want as long as you don’t need it. There are usually two distinct feelings associated to what you want. There’s a positive feeling of choosing to invoke something into your life, and a negative feeling for not having it now. By letting go the feeling of lack and really really […]
How do you identify yourself
Aug 11
Some people don’t want to let go of their issues because they identify themselves by their issues and they don’t know what they would become if they let them go. Instead of identifying yourself by your personality, your talents, your qualities and your issues, identify yourself by your purpose. You are unique by the experiences […]