I have been running this business for 3 years with a very slow, gradual and stable growth. I have been teaching people how to improve their relationships with Sexual Magnetism, how to apply that system for financial abundance with Financial Magnetism, how to easily get jobs and how to walk a path of constant evolution. […]
Archive for category Life Purpose and Business
Here’s something I realized during the Medellin self-awakening and transformation event. As long as you seek to heal yourself and improve your own personal life, your energy field can expand up to about 16 feet and you will stagnate there. In order for your energy to expand beyond that, you must get out of the […]
I made a great new friend. You may or may not have noticed that most of the music that is being fed to us and especially to the young people is crap: drug, violence, sex, abuse and all kinds of things that are far from reconnecting us to spirit and human nature. My new friend, […]
Miracle of Money Live Event
Mar 16
Here?s some great news. Since I am now a David Neagle certified Miracle of Money coach, I will be hosting a live event in Montreal in 2 months or so. Although the details are not decided yet, it will be under a thousand dollars for a 3 days event of teaching David Neale?s proven Miracle […]
Here’s some exciting news. I am now a David Neagle Certified Coach Miracle of Money Mentor and I am authorized to teach his Miracle of Money system. If you don’t know David Neagle yet, he’s known for helping people make in 30 days more than they’ve done in a year, and for building successful million-dollar […]
What Will Happen in 2012
Dec 30
Happy New Year! A year or two ago, many people were laughing about the concept of the 2012 energy shift. Now, many people come to me asking what the heck is going on. The world is in complete chaos in all aspects. The United States and Europe are economically crashing. There are so many deep […]
The live event with me and Rion has been sold out within 2 days. Because some of our clients were about to make a heart-attack for not making it, we are organizing a second live event on March 9-13th 2012 in Medellin Columbia. You will get 60 hours with both me and Rion to break […]
Here’s some great news. I will be hosting a live event with Rion Freeberg in Medellin, Columbia, in February. This will be intense, and legendary. This is a rare opportunity for those of you who are committed to transform your life. This will be a deep transformation and we will do advanced energy work to […]
I Want to Hear Your Story
Nov 12
I have been doing some research lately and the results are impressive. 65% of subscribers are between 18-35 and scored as Millennials in the PewResearchCenter quiz. 92% view themselves as liberals, as opposed to 29% for all adults 18-29 and 20% for older adults. 92% view religion as not important while 45% of adults 18-29 […]