Here’s a surprise for you. I just wrote a new e-book called The 7 Pillars of Authentic Charisma. It comes as a bonus with Authentic Attraction and Sexual Magnetism. It is free to redistribute and even resell. I wrote this e-book in a single inspired day. It will open the doors to… – Tapping into […]
Posts Tagged well-being
Many people ask me how to see beyond appearances. Denis Harting is the best to show you how. Denis Harting and his manager are blind since birth. He is an amazing signer. His daughter is also blind and?autistic, yet the beauty of her voice will give you goose bumps in your entire body. They are […]
All the information you guys gave in the previous surveys is priceless. It helps me be more targeted to talk with the right people in the right way. I learnt a few things I didn’t expect. I would like to hear what you think about Authentic Attraction. This survey is even shorter than the others, […]
Lots of people through history have been discussing about what makes a person sexually attractive. Although looks can help, some people who don’t have the look are still surrounded by women. Here are the 7 basic aspects that make a person attractive. These apply to both men and women, although it may be applied slightly […]
74% of you guys believe something is missing in how men and women relate in the Western world and the divorce rate in America is 15 times higher than in Mexico. I would like to create communities of people who want to live their lives according to authentic principles, for both men and women.The idea […]
Over the last few years, medias have been talking about a Marriage Strike which was followed by a Sex Strike. What is this all about? First let look at some statistics: Marriage Rates (from the University of Maryland) Marriage Rates The first thing you’ll notice is that the marriage rate passed from 80 to 50 […]
The Eye of the Hurricane
Sep 28
There are a lot of changes going on around the world. The oil spill in the States was the worth ecological disaster in the history of America. The North Pole is melting and countries are fighting as to who will own this new piece of the Earth. A volcano completely blocked all aerial traffic?across?Europe. Iceland […]
After the huge success of our coaching week-end two weeks ago, we are doing it again. This was a legendary transformational experience for everyone. Reading about self-improvement is one thing. Experiencing it is another. Me and Rion’s energies amplify whenever we get together bringing us even more power to impact your life beyond words and […]
How to Be Respected
Aug 13
Do people usually respect you? My life is very different now than when I was in high school. In high school, several people kept harassing me. Now, whenever someone tries to make fun of me, he just makes a fool of himself. What goes around comes around, and because of the strength of my energies, […]
Here?s some great news. I am releasing Authentic Seduction, a new audio product that provides a lot of clarity about how to connect with women and how to improve all the relationships in your life. Authentic Seduction is very concise, very focused and very affordable. So far I have excellent feedback about it (although I […]