Posts Tagged spiritual community

Coming Soon: Attraction Mastery Club

It has been a year and a half since the original release of Sexual Magnetism. Some people got great results with women since then, some people have grown a lot and some people haven’t been able to integrate it all by themselves. The people I’ve worked with privately went through huge and fast improvements, but […]

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It’s Time to Give Time

It’s now Christmas! It’s a perfect time to give to people around you without expecting anything back. I just moved out of my apartment and gave most of my stuff away. Since I’ll be going to Peru, I don’t expect them to give me much. I just gave without expectations. Now let’s do it with […]

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Free Video: Talk to Strangers

The seventh way to improve your sexual attractiveness is to talk with strangers! To arrange your lifestyle so that you constantly meet new people. [youtube][/youtube] If you stay home, nothing is going to happen. Arrange your lifestyle so that you meet women daily, such as in events, meetings or bars. Small events where you are […]

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Tell me about Authentic Attraction

All the information you guys gave in the previous surveys is priceless. It helps me be more targeted to talk with the right people in the right way. I learnt a few things I didn’t expect. I would like to hear what you think about Authentic Attraction. This survey is even shorter than the others, […]

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Changing your Life with Sexual Transmutation

Shamanic Attraction is kind of in-between two self-development movements without fitting into any. 1. Seduction community: They are focused on satisfying their sexual desires and sacrifice their authenticity. 2. Spiritual community: They develop themselves spiritually to improve every aspect of life and mostly skip their sexuality. Some people may wonder… if I am teaching spiritual […]

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