Great news. I produced a new 3-part audio course called Transform Within To Attract Women. This course covers Review of self-development industry 7 benefits of self-transformation 10 mistakes men do with women 4 reasons not to pursue women 7 misconceptions of spirituality 7 ways to attract women 4 reasons why people get stuck How to […]
Posts Tagged ways to attract women
The product page for Sexual Magnetism is now ready. It is a spiritual blueprint to develop a magnetic presence that draws women to you. You will learn how your energy field affects your life and how to heal emotional blockages to change at your core. Read more about Sexual Magnetism Get our best-selling e-book Sexual […]
Lots of people through history have been discussing about what makes a person sexually attractive. Although looks can help, some people who don’t have the look are still surrounded by women. Here are the 7 basic aspects that make a person attractive. These apply to both men and women, although it may be applied slightly […]
How to Be Respected
Aug 13
Do people usually respect you? My life is very different now than when I was in high school. In high school, several people kept harassing me. Now, whenever someone tries to make fun of me, he just makes a fool of himself. What goes around comes around, and because of the strength of my energies, […]