A whopping 6% of you guys, from 18 different countries, answered the survey after the single email I sent out. This gives me a lot of valuable information and I’m very grateful for it. If you haven’t filled the survey yet, you can fill it here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BHP6MQP One very surprising thing that came to my […]
Thank You For Your Feedback!
May 30
I have been talking a lot about alchemical healing lately. I learned Alchemy from a Master Alchemist called Jacques Tombazian and what he does is powerful beyond what I ever thought possible. Although I already had a Reiki Master training, Jacques Tombazian brought me to a whole new level in terms of energy healing and […]
How to Get Job Interviews
May 17
I get computer programming job offers every week, which pay 80000$/year as salary or 100000$/year as independent contractual worker. I thought it was because of my extensive programming experience and expertise, but there might be more to it. One of my coaching clients got 3 job interviews the week after we worked together on solving […]
You’ve probably seen the movie The Secret which has been seen by millions and millions of people, which talks about the law of attraction. Here’s a video explaining why the law of attraction doesn’t work! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foyGBRbed4U[/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEkRJ2i8IQs[/youtube] Enjoy ๐ CDRD87U6G2BM Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously […]
Lots of people in the spiritual world say that we are all emotionally connected. But if you can’t tell me HOW we are emotionally connected, it’s just a nice belief. Faith is believing in something you don’t understand. When you replace believing with understanding, religions and opinions don’t matter anymore. Nassim Haramein is a physician […]
I have just released month 3 of Attraction Mastery Club. It contains a LOT of details to allow you to break through your barriers in life. It explains in great details what is karma, how it works, real life examples, how to heal it and how to protect against psychic attacks. This audio also tells […]
How to do Distance Healing
Apr 24
Here’s a new video explaining how to do distance healing [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0SpIGAyHi0[/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK5hLtgvktk[/youtube] I may produce a Spanish version in the future. You can request distance healing here Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!
One issue that comes over and over again while coaching both men and women is having traumas related to past relationships or still being attached to past relationships. These people feel a void within themselves and this considerably affects their quality of life for years. Beyond this, there is another important issue to look at. […]
Distance Healing Experiments
Apr 13
Lately I have been experimenting with distance healing. It has been a very interesting experiment. I’ve seen a lot of things I didn’t except. After 5 minutes of distance healing, one person saw HUGE changes on serious painful issues he had his entire life. I’ve been working an entire hour on another person whose energy […]
Sexual Magnetism 50% OFF
Apr 12
Sexual Magnetism is my best-selling product. It is the most precise and in-depth product you can find about changing from the inside out to dramatically improve your authentic charisma and your dating life. The updated version of Sexual Magnetism also includes advanced concepts of Alchemy which have proven to be very powerful for many people. […]