Nikola Tesla is one of the greatest inventors in history. He invented many technologies we use in our daily lives such as alternating current and spark plugs among many others. He was also known for inventing free energy before being cut his funds and removed from history books. Many of his inventions never saw the […]
Posts Tagged free video
The Apocalypse of 2012
Sep 28
Some people say there will be an apocalypse on December 21st 2012. Let’s analyze what is currently happening around the world and what it means into your life. 2012 is NOT the end of the world. It is the disclosure of things that have been hidden from us for a long time. Learn about the […]
10 FREE Psychic Readings
Sep 13
I recently started doing online psychic readings for some customers and they were shocked by the clarity and accuracy of the readings. I am now offering a FREE online psychic readings to the 10 first people who write me back. I do NOT need your picture or even your name. I may publish the readings […]
It came to my attention lately that my giving and taking are off balance. I spend a lot of time giving free content, videos, articles and giving free healing. Meanwhile, I receive very little for all of it and many people apply what I teach in a half-in/half-out way because they don’t invest anything and […]
First Spanish Video
Jun 16
I just released my first video in Spanish Por qu? la ley de la atracci?n no funciona Now you’ll be able to share videos with your latino friends ๐ From now on, I’ll try to release videos in English, French and Spanish. The definitions section is also available in Spanish. I’m also working on translating […]
You’ve probably seen the movie The Secret which has been seen by millions and millions of people, which talks about the law of attraction. Here’s a video explaining why the law of attraction doesn’t work! [youtube][/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube][/youtube] Enjoy ๐ CDRD87U6G2BM Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously […]
Lots of people in the spiritual world say that we are all emotionally connected. But if you can’t tell me HOW we are emotionally connected, it’s just a nice belief. Faith is believing in something you don’t understand. When you replace believing with understanding, religions and opinions don’t matter anymore. Nassim Haramein is a physician […]
How to do Distance Healing
Apr 24
Here’s a new video explaining how to do distance healing [youtube][/youtube] The video is also available in French [youtube][/youtube] I may produce a Spanish version in the future. You can request distance healing here Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!
The seventh way to improve your sexual attractiveness is to talk with strangers! To arrange your lifestyle so that you constantly meet new people. [youtube][/youtube] If you stay home, nothing is going to happen. Arrange your lifestyle so that you meet women daily, such as in events, meetings or bars. Small events where you are […]