We’ve all heard this: Money is the root of all evil. Is this true? There are so many misconceptions related to money. Let’s dig into facts and beliefs to clarify this.
Your reality is a reflection of your consciousness, and the world reality is a reflection of global consciousness. ?Money is the root of all evil? is part of global consciousness and guess what, it became a reality. If you understand how the financial system works and who owns it, you know it is corrupted to the core by a group of families who want to centralize power. This is nothing more than a reflection of global consciousness.
But the dollar bill is not money, it represents money. Here’s the definition of money: it is a tool to extend service beyond physical contact. It is what allowed society to develop the way it did. It is what allowed you to gain access to computers made on the other side of the world. It is what allowed the Internet to exist. Money is a universal principle of life and it will always exist. Money is what allows the circulation of value and services to improve your quality of life and create abundance.
Let’s consider a new belief about money: Money is a divine miracle. This is exactly what I have been learning from David Neagle, how to change the attitude towards money to allow it to manifest as a divine miracle.
If enough people would shift their belief from ?money is the root of all evil? to ?money is a divine miracle?, it would manifest as a global reality. The current financial situation of the world is an exact reflection of the collective consciousness. The good news is that a positive belief is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative belief so 1% of the world population adopting this new belief would be enough to shift the entire planet.
You do not solve problems by fighting against them. You solve them by looking at them from a higher consciousness.
I also want you to consider something else. Our bodies have the ability to totally heal when our emotions and energies are healthy. I almost never get sick. In fact, a disease such as a cancer can be seen in the energy field way before it manifests as a physical disease. Our physical body is a perfect reflection of our emotions and energies.
The planet is also a living being and it also has 7 main chakras that can be precisely located. Its solar plexus is at Isla del Sol on Lago Titicaca in Bolivia. Its sexual chakra is in Thailand. Its heart chakra is in Quebec. Wouldn’t it make sense that the principles that apply to our bodies also apply to the planet? The planet is in very bad shape, much polluted and going through a mass extinction, and it is a perfect reflection of the current chaos in global consciousness. By getting over the global power struggles and healing the collective consciousness, it would make perfect sense that the planet has the ability to totally heal itself physically.
There are no problems to worry about or fight against. All we have to do is look at them from a higher consciousness.
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#1 by Nate on March 14, 2012 - 10:57 am
Interesting read, I’m not sure it speaks to the weird constellation of blockages going on in my own consciousness, but I have something to add that you may find interesting. I’m not saying your definition of money is wrong (I like it very much) but I have my own (which I still like more :P). Money is: Humans’ representation of energy. It is the closest idea our society has to non-physical energy. It acts just like non physical energy in that it can be focused in positive or negative ways (positive and negative being relative to experience that the focusing consciousness wants). Anyway I figured I’d pop that in your hat and maybe you’ll like it ๐
Interesting you’re talking about money now since I’m probably in the worst financial condition of my life, but I’m still having a good time thanks to most other parts of my consciousness being in good vibration (thanks in part to you). I think my main resistance with money is not like others in that I have a direct fear of money. I don’t like dealing with it. I don’t trust myself to be able to manage it well. A month or so ago I had an injury that I had to take an abulance to the ER for, JUST as my insurance disappeared on Jan 1. Now I have $4000 bills and a part time job that barely makes rent. Thankfully I’m good at manifesting free food so that helps. My version of abundance doesn’t need money. I think there is a note of pride in that definition that holds me back too. For most of my life my Dad managed the money in it, so when I became an ‘adult’ I was pretty lost on the subject since my Dad hadn’t involved me in it. much. The result is that I made a lot of mistakes, which just leads me to want to avoid handling money altogether. I fear what I will become if I get too much. That definition I took from my Mom who despises the people who run the global economy. I fear losing the money if I did get it. That is probably the most intense feeling. I know I will lose it all when I die. I have a bad habit of losing valuable things, so I don’t let myself have them in the first place.
But really my problem is deeper. I have a terrible time bringing myself to action unless it is somehow obsessive or addictive. I’m sure I’m perceived by plenty of people as being a lazy slouch. I get in this pattern where I don’t take care of the things in my life and they pile up until it’s a big problem then I finally do something when I have to.
While I’m not taking care of things I’m usually smoking pot, playing video games, jerking off, playing guitar, drawing or whatever the obsessive/addictive activity is at the time. One of the perks of this obsessive nature is that I have racked up a nice list of skills over the years, but that justification only deepens my attachment. And it’s not just things that are ‘hard’ or ‘work’ that I avoid but often I’ll miss social events and other fun things because I lose track of time or get in the ‘just one more game’ mode and then ‘oh shit I’m late’ and then ‘well I may as well not even go.’ This pattern leads me to think of myself as a loser or that I’m wasting my life. But that thought only makes me want to do the addictive activities more because they take my mind off the negativity. Often it is the easy things that I find hardest to align with, things that are easy in reality but aren’t fun, challenging or interesting.
The thing is that I’ve read enough spiritual mumbo jumbo (no offense haha) to at be able analyze myself enough so I can understand what my problem is, but I haven’t found what really works to clear the block. This pattern of leaving things until they become a problem applies to my spiritual self as well. I know exactly where my injury came from: not doing the exercises you suggest. And that is truly the root of my problems: I just don’t do it. I live in fantasy land and never commit myself to action.
So I kind of have this chicken and egg problem. I know what action is needed (like meditating, mantras, natural grounding) but I can’t seem to bring myself to do it and I don’t know why. I can tell a part if it is there is this “there is no point” or “it won’t be worth it when you get it” but I can feel there are a lot of other negative beliefs in me that I can’t quite get in touch with. A part of me says that this nature of mine is a good thing but that I’m just looking at it wrong (just like money is a divine miracle!) but then a part of me also says I’m justifying things again. As you can see, if I try following this blockage to it’s root I just find confusion and chatter, and in the end I feel quite desperate about the subject.
Anyway I think I recall that when I got your book a years ago there was something about a few email consultations that I never took advantage of. If that is no longer a service you offer, I know you are a super busy guy so if not I understand. If you got this far thanks for reading, I didn’t realize it would be such a book but it kind of spilled out. Either way it was good to type this out and I hope my definition of money interesting, or at least something you haven’t thought or heard of. Keep up the good work!
#2 by Nate on March 14, 2012 - 10:58 am
The first paragraph would be perfectly cool to post publicly. The rest makes it sound like I’m a total mess, but I suppose I should’ve mentioned the rest of my life ๐ I’m actually happier than I have been in a long time. I have a wonderful girlfriend and boyfriend, I like where I live, my job is easy and I make enough money but not a lot (minus the medical bills), I have a fun social life and play music for people on Monday and Tuesday nights. I think the recent shit storm in my life comes from the fact that I am finally relaxing at my core, so all the issues and negative thinking I’ve done over the years is just ‘coming out’ to the surface. So my life isn’t bad right now, just high contrast. I know my vibrations tend to be very strong, so living with the veil as thin as it is now it’s kind of like driving a Ferrari down highway 1 at 150mph. Stay on track and the speed of manifestation can be miraculous, but one false thought and you’re in the ditch. Right now I’m kind of experiencing both, so life is interesting to say the least!
#3 by Derek on March 14, 2012 - 11:01 am
It is the LOVE for money that is the root of all evil, according to the bible, not money itself.
#4 by Etienne Charland on March 14, 2012 - 11:05 am
LOVE and EVIL cannot go together. It’s different frequencies. It’s like saying 1 = 9.
If you’re talking about attachment, then I would agree that attachment towards anything is the root of all evil.
But what you have here is a very dangerous belief. Money is energy. If you believe what you’re saying, it will manifest as a reality and you will attract poverty into your life. There is nothing beautiful in poverty.
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#5 by Derek on March 15, 2012 - 11:19 am
Totally agreed, just quoting the biblical passage..poverty, nothing beautiful about that – I have been living in Isaan Village past fortnight, no or very little running water, zero hot water..TV or internet (have to go to nearest city for that). no cooker to cook food (having to cook by means of making a fire) only one in a village of 1000 people, however seeing people completely happy and living at one with nature and happy to share what little they have.
I do find your original article and response very interesting. Keep up the good work mate ๐