Posts Tagged vision

High Hopes – Fight for the New Generation

I made a great new friend. You may or may not have noticed that most of the music that is being fed to us and especially to the young people is crap: drug, violence, sex, abuse and all kinds of things that are far from reconnecting us to spirit and human nature. My new friend, […]

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How to Improve Dating in America

Many people wonder about the difference between dating in the Western World vs. the rest of the world. Anything you do to meet women will be much easier in cultures where people look at you in the eyes and talk with their neighbors. But what if you live in Las Vegas, New-York or Montreal? It […]

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Be the Rock Star of your Life

Here’s a new video that describes in a clear and concise way the vision of what I want to share with you guys. It’s time to take the power back into your life and to truly live your life out of the social norms. Enjoy! Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, […]

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One-on-One Coaching

I am now officially launching phone and live coaching programs. Phone coaching was already available but I haven?t advertised it up until now. This is what by far got my customers the most results. You may consider one-on-one coaching if? – You understand the concepts of naturally connecting with women but you have a […]

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What?s the difference between products?

Now that I have several products out, it can be confusing for some of you. Let?s clarify the difference between Authentic Seduction, The Secret Key to attract Health, Wealth, Sex and Love Into Your Life, and Sexual Magnetism. Sexual Magnetism is the core of what I teach. It is a solid foundation to understand and […]

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Natural Seduction Forum Launch

I am opening a forum for all Shamanic Seduction customers. It is available to all Shamanic Seduction customers, which means you can gain access by purchasing any of these products Authentic Seduction Sexual Magnetism For existing customers of Sexual Magnetism, you can get the Invitation Code to register on the forum on the […]

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Beauty is soul-deep, not skin-deep

I believe beauty is in the depth of the soul, while most people in the Western world look at beauty at the surface of the skin. You may not view it as a problem, but I am sure you experience very concrete problems in your daily life that result from this belief. You may often […]

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A Blind Man Singing

Here?s the story behind a show that was organized to raise funds for Haiti. The idea came from Denis, who is blind since birth, and it was organized in a single week with lots of artists. The ambiance was magical, way beyond anything I would have expected. Look at the charisma Denis projects and the […]

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How do you identify yourself

Some people don’t want to let go of their issues because they identify themselves by their issues and they don’t know what they would become if they let them go. Instead of identifying yourself by your personality, your talents, your qualities and your issues, identify yourself by your purpose. You are unique by the experiences […]

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