Posts Tagged men and women

Transform Within To Attract Women

Great news. I produced a new 3-part audio course called Transform Within To Attract Women. This course covers Review of self-development industry 7 benefits of self-transformation 10 mistakes men do with women 4 reasons not to pursue women 7 misconceptions of spirituality 7 ways to attract women 4 reasons why people get stuck How to […]

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New E-book: Result-Oriented Spirituality

I finally wrote down the methodology I have intuitively been using over the years to achieve concrete results by changing from within. Spirituality is getting very popular since the last ten years yet many people still don’t achieve their goals. A very popular meditation technique is to breathe to reach stillness, yet you could breathe […]

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Natural Grounding Guide 2011

My friend Rion Williams has written an e-book a while ago about Natural Grounding. It is a very powerful meditation technique that allowed thousands of men to feel better about themselves, to have more self-confidence, to better understand women and even to overcome porn addiction. He recently released a new 2011 version of that e-book. […]

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It’s Time to Give Time

It’s now Christmas! It’s a perfect time to give to people around you without expecting anything back. I just moved out of my apartment and gave most of my stuff away. Since I’ll be going to Peru, I don’t expect them to give me much. I just gave without expectations. Now let’s do it with […]

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Free Video: See and Value the Sacred Feminine

Here’s the sixth best way to improve your sexual attractiveness: see and value the sacred feminine. Authentic seduction is about bringing out the authenticity from within people and connecting with it. [youtube][/youtube] Men and women are meant to complement each other in a very natural and harmonious way. Femininity has been repressed in our western […]

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What brought you here?

With the information I got from you guys, I noticed that most of you are – men who feel there is something missing in how men and women relate in the Western world – inexperienced men and virgins from around the world – experienced authentic men who want to reach the next level – women […]

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The Difference between Men and Women

As you probably know, men and women are different on many levels, even though we all have both masculine and feminine polarities within us. After talking with several women who are into self-discovery and spirituality, I came to the conclusion that the sexes? *dominant* sexual polarity is different, as are their goals and motivations. In […]

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Questions about Sexual Magnetism

I got many questions about Sexual Magnetism e-book and philosophy. Q: I got your ebook a few months ago, and there are still some subtle details I don’t understand, and I would be very grateful if you could clarify on these topics. A: Sure ๐Ÿ™‚ Q: Have you ever been approached by women on the […]

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