Many people are looking for the magic pill that will solve all their problems and end up frustrated. A few people are willing to put more efforts to get deeper results. Lasting external changes come from within. For those who decide to take the road of clearing their emotional limitations to transform their life from the inside out, here’s what the process usually looks like according to the people I’ve spoken with.

Guys who have achieved great success usually won’t scream it on the roofs. They consider the results they get very normal and it isn’t a big deal for them. Some people still don’t have the results they are looking for yet when they look back, they have grown a LOT in the last months and year. Even the most successful people can make it even better (I constantly keep improving myself and my life), so success is a relative concept. In terms of dating, success is usually considered having sexual intimacy with partners to gain concrete experience, which is a crucial step toward consistent success.

Here’s the process most guys go through.

1. They want to find a girl and look for quick fixes and tricks. They find gurus who tell them what to do and what to say. They get a few scarce successes and don’t feel comfortable with the whole approach.

2. They find a different approach to naturally connect with women. Some read about it and don’t apply it. Some apply it and have huge breakthroughs. Most apply it and don’t see huge immediate results. Yet, 6 months later, their life is very different and they don’t always realize it.

3. Some have grown and see results but are still not satisfied with these results. They get to a point where they are willing to do anything to pierce through. Once their whole spirit is committed to go towards that objective no matter what, nothing can stop them and they are willing to let go of anything holding them back. Once example is a guy who went to Thailand for several weeks while doing private coaching at the same time. He got more experience with women in a few weeks than he got in his entire life.

4. After having many great experiences with women, they start turning down women who don’t provide the quality of relationship experience they are used to. They become a more precious catch, and since women see that they only accept great relationship experiences, more quality women want to be part of it.

Do you fit somewhere in this process? If so, where? What will you do to get to the next level? Post your comments!

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