Posts Tagged physical attraction

How to Deal With Bitchy Women

A big part of empowering your dating and social life is to become aware of the culture you live in. It?s like telling a fish what water is, he will never know until he gets out of it. Besides going out of the country, the best way to become aware of your culture is to […]

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Seduction Coach for 5 Guys

I have a few private phone coaching spots open and I’ll give a free half-hour to people who are serious about integrating changes into their lives to see concrete results. I’ll talk about it more at the end of this email. First, I just had a legendary group coaching week-end with Rion Williams in Montreal. […]

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Interview with Gina Cloud: The Nature of Women

A while ago I interviewed Gina about the nature of women, Shakti energy and relationships. The information she shares is invaluable and is very different from what we hear in schools and mainstream medias. She’s one of the very rare women who understands so much about femininity. If you want to understand women better, listen […]

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Interview with Wingman Secrets: Solving Inner Game

Fernando from Wingman Secrets ?just did an outstanding interview with me and the recording is now available. We talked not only about how to fix your inner game issues, but also on how to open your chakras, the differences in dating between different cultures, and how to bring your dating life to another level. Traveling […]

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Attraction and Intimacy Specialist ? Etienne Charland

Do you want to attract intimacy with women? Do you want to live with authenticity and peace of mind? Do you want this magnetic presence that draws women to you? We help men reconnect with themselves, view life from a different perspective and overcome their fears and anxieties so they get authentic empowerment, self-confidence and […]

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What is Animal Magnetism

After teaching sexual magnetism for over two years, here’s a breakthrough. This concept is not new and there is an official term for it: animal magnetism. You can read the definition on Wikipedia. Animal magnetism refers to a person’s sexual attractiveness or raw charisma. In it’s simplest form, the better a person feels about […]

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Top 3 Reasons to Deepen your Relationships with Women

Some guys tell me they just want to get laid and don’t see the point of deepening their relationships unless they get married. Here are the top 3 reasons to deepen your relationships with women. 1. To have more sex. Men look for sex while women look for intimacy and connection. By giving them what […]

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New Video: Top 7 Ways to Improve Your Charisma With Women

I just released a new video describing the top 7 ways to improve your charisma with women. Enjoy! By the way, the LAST ticket for live coaching in Montreal with me and Rion on August 20-22 is still available. Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!

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Feedback from a woman about Authentic Seduction

After releasing Authentic Seduction last week, there’s a man who told me his girlfriend absolutely LOVED the difference it made in bed and in their relationship. However, he wanted to wait to see how it fully applies and impacts his life on the longer term before writing a feedback. So far the only feedback I […]

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Natural Seduction Forum Launch

I am opening a forum for all Shamanic Seduction customers. It is available to all Shamanic Seduction customers, which means you can gain access by purchasing any of these products Authentic Seduction Sexual Magnetism For existing customers of Sexual Magnetism, you can get the Invitation Code to register on the forum on the […]

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