Fernando from Wingman Secrets ?just did an outstanding interview with me and the recording is now available. We talked not only about how to fix your inner game issues, but also on how to open your chakras, the differences in dating between different cultures, and how to bring your dating life to another level. Traveling is one of the most beneficial you can do to open your mind, overcome your issues and improve your success with women. I talk a lot about this in the interview. Listen to it, it’s free!
Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!
#1 by Ish on August 28, 2010 - 12:13 pm
Hey Dude,
I like your talk. I am not sure how important Rieki work is. I used to care about my own energy a lot when I was based in western countries but now I am very happy to see that I don’t need any of that any more when you have such a huge amount of feminine women around you (Vietnam is one place that so far has been pretty fantastic for feminine women) and a very happy and positive country with good people.
If I may add my 2 cents, I think you maybe confusing your students with teaching “Polarity: Masculinity and Femininity” and with Reiki at the same time. I think a student will only start to understand what Reiki is about only after they understanding Polarity. There is no point of being the healer if the mind of the person you are healing destroys all your efforts because it is still getting pulled into the western world around it.
Also, a potential problem that may occur with introducing people to Reiki without teaching them to see polarity first is: The women around in spirituality centers (yoga, medititation, reiki) in the west are Independent Women.. surely they maybe feminine because of their Reiki practice but they are independent minded because of the environment and will confuse your students unless they understand what is going on.
I read your free stuff so far but did not buy your programs so I cannot comment however a little note with an appreciative tone. It maybe a good idea to teach people to make sure they are introduced to the Musclininity Femininity First, with a period of time spent overseas in a more natural country (6 months at least in South East Asia somewhere for example, I don’t care what they need to do, quit their jobs, sell their cars, go teach English in one of those countries.) then when the student is ready to be introduced to Reiki after.
Well done on what you are doing and hope you have all the success possible :).
#2 by Etienne Charland on August 28, 2010 - 12:55 pm
You’re bringing some great points. I do talk about polarity in both Authentic Seduction and Sexual Magnetism.
It’s true that you don’t need any of this when you go to feminine countries such as Vietnam, although it does bring it to another level. It’s also true that people who just do Reiki training don’t really get the benefits in terms of dating because they don’t have the awareness of how it applies to polarity and natural attraction so it leaves confusion. I talk about a bunch of stuff that Reiki Masters don’t talk about ๐