I talk a lot about how to have better relationships with strangers and how to live a more interesting lifestyle, but some people (such as girls in love with me) ask me, “What about that one relationship?”
You are or want to be in a relationship with a woman, but that’s not the only relationship in your life. You have a relationship with your family members and friends. You also have a relationship with every person you meet, cross or avoid throughout each day.
Intimacy, trust and comfort with your girlfriend is important, but that doesn’t mean not to have intimacy, trust and comfort with your mother, with your guy friend, with that stranger and with that friendly married woman you just met in the bus.
In fact, I believe that in terms of happiness, personal power, goals achievement and spiritual maturity, the way you treat your enemies and strangers is more important than the way you treat your loved one. In the same way, you can see the greatness of a person by the way he treats little people, not by the way he treats his friends.
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#1 by davidhnow on December 3, 2009 - 7:20 pm
Short, sweet and dead-on. I totally agree with this, and I too have learned that being good at intimacy anywhere and everywhere has an invaluable effect on my life.