First I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read all the information I’m sending out and to support me. What we’re building here isn’t just a business. It is a movement and it cannot be done without you.

I am working full-time on this business for the last 6 months to bring it to a stage where it is sustainable and I just invested $5000 to build a new website and to give it more visibility. This has taken all the rest of my economies and I am working very hard to get this done. There are a lot of changes coming. Shamanic Seduction will become Shamanic Attraction and Authentic Seduction will become Authentic Attraction.

The only way this business can become sustainable is by having guys like you invest themselves in Shamanic Attraction and by reaching many more people like you. This mailing list is now growing considerably faster. There are several people who told me they wanted to buy Shamanic Attraction or Sexual Magnetism but they were confused about the difference between the products. Also the sales pages were not written by me so there was in-congruency with the uniqueness of my message. I am aware of these issues and I am working to make the product descriptions much more clear. Authentic Attraction and Sexual Magnetism have very different and complimentary content.

I updated the Authentic Attraction page with a video to make it clear what it is and what it isn’t. The feedback so far on this product is excellent.

So here are some of the things you can do to support me.

1. Buy Authentic Attraction which will give me funds to continue the work I’m doing. If you aren’t buying it for the excellent content, buy it for everything you have got from me so far. It would be very appreciated.

2. Talk about Authentic Attraction. Write about it. Post links to my articles over the Internet. This will give extra visibility to make the movement grow. There is a LOT of great articles on my blog written over the years.

I’ll keep you updated with everything that’s coming.

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