The website has just been updated with considerable changes and the coaching pages are now working. Coaching is by far the fastest way to dissolve your problems and issues. When you don’t have any problems with women, all that remains is effortless success.
There are a few changes though.
1. You are no longer required to purchase packages. You can now purchase coaching calls individually whenever you feel you need it.
2. I am now offering coaching for women as well. Not everybody is ready for what I teach. ?Male creative professionals and female coaches may be the people who would benefit the most from it.
3. The price is the same as two years ago but my ability to change people’s lives is hundreds of times stronger than before. Coaching prices WILL go up considerably after January 1st 2011. You have until then to benefit from the low price!
Fill this form to apply for coaching.
Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!