I have been doing some research lately and the results are impressive. 65% of subscribers are between 18-35 and scored as Millennials in the PewResearchCenter quiz. 92% view themselves as liberals, as opposed to 29% for all adults 18-29 and 20% for older adults. 92% view religion as not important while 45% of adults 18-29 view it as very important. 59% of older adults view it as very important. There is an emergence of people who are detached from mainstream medias and religions and who are more connected to consciousness and technologies.

I am one such person and I can personally say that it was difficult to find my place in society. I simply didn’t fit in, and that sense was strong enough for me to travel abroad. I also hear from many other Millennials who don’t fit in their environment, who have a sense that something isn’t quite right with the Western society.

I am thinking about writing a book to help millennials find their place in society, understand themselves and step into their millennial power. This book will be free, as a much needed service to humanity.

If what I shared here resonates with you, I would like to hear your story. Tell me about your situation and your issues, as I want to make the book all about you. Send me an email titled ‘Millennial Story’ or post a comment on the blog.

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