I have been doing some research lately and the results are impressive. 65% of subscribers are between 18-35 and scored as Millennials in the PewResearchCenter quiz. 92% view themselves as liberals, as opposed to 29% for all adults 18-29 and 20% for older adults. 92% view religion as not important while 45% of adults 18-29 view it as very important. 59% of older adults view it as very important. There is an emergence of people who are detached from mainstream medias and religions and who are more connected to consciousness and technologies.
I am one such person and I can personally say that it was difficult to find my place in society. I simply didn’t fit in, and that sense was strong enough for me to travel abroad. I also hear from many other Millennials who don’t fit in their environment, who have a sense that something isn’t quite right with the Western society.
I am thinking about writing a book to help millennials find their place in society, understand themselves and step into their millennial power. This book will be free, as a much needed service to humanity.
If what I shared here resonates with you, I would like to hear your story. Tell me about your situation and your issues, as I want to make the book all about you. Send me an email titled ‘Millennial Story’ or post a comment on the blog.
Get our best-selling e-book Sexual Magnetism Blueprint, previously sold $147, now for FREE!
#1 by Daniel pichardo on November 13, 2011 - 12:11 am
I’m one such person as you mentioned a melinea. I’m 22 year old male, I was a very liberal person and I saw how society had women in this product type role and the seperateness between the sexs really bothered me. I found my evolvement from western society in my sexuality, I think somehow god coded the seeds of evolution in our hearts and in our sexuality. I was feeling very alone while I saw how my males friends were buying women drinks and feeling the need to treat women like they were the prize. I also saw how women were always being called hoes even though it was the very men who slept with them calling them that. What a duoble standard that was, if anything the male race as a whole is just as responsible for the lack of integrity in women and they should be called no such name. Such names affect the conscienceness of women. It fills them with guilt and causes a seperation.
I eventualy traced this conditoning stright to the medias and the catholic church. The typical programs used in the bible are words such as “repent”, “burn”, “judgement”, “virgin”, “sin”. And the medias were giving a totally worng view of the courtship ritual. The role was always the same, man likes girl, girl runs from guy and then guy chases and marries girl. This is a toatally worng view of reality yet it was the was the way people were treating the dating secene. I eventually found some sucess in this new seduction community that had appeared as people sought answers to their problems.
At first techniques were working a bit but everytime males had the upperhand females counter acted with their own seduction community and techniques until both sides became like robots. Not soon after that we were all sitting in a pool of hate and manipultion. Deep inside I was feeling lost, confused and empty. That was until I found shamanic attraction , this opened the door to a whole new paradaim, changing form WITHIN? At fist it seemed Very counter intutive but I said hey if nothing else is working let me give this a shot.
Even though changing from within seemed counter intutive I did agree with you ethan when you siad that you could get girls by not trying to get with them. If guys would just stop following the music industry and the medias and just back off women and give the female race some space it would have a big effect on the behavior of women. Besides female gentelia is internal and this gives women the divine right to choose which male goes in her. An external mating system will never understand the complex cognative process involved with an internal mating system. This is the law of recptivity verus penetration.
After shamatic attratction and changing from within I found that this not only has had an effect on my mating behavior but also my thoughts. I now have a mind that is still when before I had a mind that was too full of thoughts which equated to a body that was nervous and shacky. I also have thougths that verg more on a sciencetifical and spirtual nature. Which if you belive in the law of oneness science and spirtuality are one and the same. The science of changing from within has been one of the most profound things that could have happened to me and has opened many doors for me. Thank you Ethan and may many more souls find the light of your program, namaste
#2 by kiko santos on December 20, 2011 - 2:10 am
i have a dramatic story how i went from geek to aesthetic 17 years old ttraining hard in the gym 2 years later at 19 i get the respect i use to dream about classic story of “society judging aperence” you want to know more email me cheers kiko dos santos
#3 by Alex Kincaid on September 15, 2012 - 6:36 pm
I have had a very intersting life as far as I can tell. I started working full time (30 hours a week to start) when I was 15. I was a typical Socal gas station monkey. I always wanted to make it on my own terms, but never really understood how. Back in the late 70s I thought the best plan was to go to college. I had a real issue with money, so I broke with my family’s plan and attended what amounted to an obscure trade college. This turned out to be the best choice (I heard about this from a girl who sat in front of me in my highschool history cause her older brother just graduated from there and seemed to have an exciting job sailing around the world). I earned a four year engineering degree at a maritime academy in California. The experiences I had there were awesome. I cannot imagine that opportunity today. (of course I droped out a one point and lived in a dog and cat hospital in Santa Monica until I could get my act together) I eventaully paid tuition by loans and a commitment to the naval reserve (I eventually served 20 years, but get no government pension or anything). While I was in the academy, I was working as a cook at a local bar. One day when I left school to go to work, I ran into a teacher who gave me the name and telephone number of a HR guy in a US shipping company in Texas. I called and eventually got a job with this company. Why my teacher gave me this information and how I eventually got the job is a story unto itself and is allot like the most crazy story ever told! I worked for this shipping company for ten years. I married my highschool sweetheart after getting my job, worked many other jobs while I was not sailing, including in the all male porn business in LA and San Diego, until my children came along. I had to go main stream after that and have worked under the radar and in some very interesteing places since. I guess my life philosphy has alwasy been go for it, respect others and work hard. My life has been good. My children grew up to be outstanding and my wife loves me as I do her. I guess I could not really ask for more. Today my life is as promising as when I started out on my journey. The good, the bad and the ugly. Let me know if want to hear more.