Here are questions?from a subscriber with my answers. ——————————————— Hi Etienne, I just found your site and it sounds too good to be true and I’m really interested. You know the first thing that made me take this seriously is the 365 days guarantee because many products tell you “if you are not happy with […]
Posts Tagged etienne charland
Many of you know Bob Proctor, the main teacher of the movie “The Secret”, but?you may not?know Jacques Tombazian, a Master Alchemist?who was his mentor. I had the chance to assist to a 4 days training in Montreal with Jacques and I must say it is mind boggling. There are 2 days left to the […]
A new year begins
Jan 4
Here’s my Christmas gift for you: personal freedom. We are already in 2010. I’m no big fan of New-Year resolutions; I would rather suggest you to take year-long resolutions or life-long resolutions. Or even better, instead of making decisions, you could remove your limitations that prevent you from improving. So instead of taking a resolution […]
As you probably know, men and women are different on many levels, even though we all have both masculine and feminine polarities within us. After talking with several women who are into self-discovery and spirituality, I came to the conclusion that the sexes? *dominant* sexual polarity is different, as are their goals and motivations. In […]
I got many questions about Sexual Magnetism e-book and philosophy. Q: I got your ebook a few months ago, and there are still some subtle details I don’t understand, and I would be very grateful if you could clarify on these topics. A: Sure ๐ Q: Have you ever been approached by women on the […]
I got many comments on the article “Top 10 Mistakes Men Do With Women”. Comments often went along the lines of “Awesome list! I totally agree, except the first point about not pursuing women”. You can get laid either by pursuing women or by not pursuing them, and I’m sure you could find some very […]
Sexual Magnetism e-book has just been released. Sexual Magnetism explains in detail the simple concepts of natural attraction and charisma. It explains in simple terms how your aura and energies work. It provides you with simple tools to increase your energy level and enhance your charisma. By applying these principles, you will live a more […]
Two dimensions of emotions
Aug 11
Josh made a comment about how he got a different feeling when reading Sexual Magnetism than when reading other self-help books. Let’s talk about it. Josh wrote: “When I read a self-development book or program, usually it brings up some sort of energetic feeling or emotion when I think about it. Like, I really agree […]
NLP Frame Redefined
Aug 11
I never took interest in NLP but I recently saw that there were many similarities to the realm of energies. For example, a frame, in my view of the world, is a reality in which we live shaped by the way we feel. The same concept of frame is used in NLP. Here’s a definition […]